Crack Moms, A National Problem

Every state has children available for adoption that have been seriously damaged by being in the womb of a woman who is addicted to crack cocaine. It was the intention of our Creator that the womb would be a very safe place, but it is not for many children coming into this world. My experience in this area is the result of adopting five children whose birth mother was addicted to cocaine. At age twenty-nine, their birth mother had given birth to seven damaged children in nine years, having been a crack addict since she was fifteen. She now tests … Continue reading

Diary of an Overweight Mom: Did I Succeed or Did I Fail?

We’re finally home from our weekend in Arizona. The kids had a great time playing in Grandma’s yard and roasting marshmallows at Grandpa’s. As promised, the Thanksgiving table was filled with yummy dishes, and the temptations didn’t stop there. On Friday night we were treated to a barbecue of burgers and bratwurst…and my mom’s delicious potato salad. On Saturday we grilled again at my dad’s and my step-mom made a delicious banana pudding for dessert. BANANA PUDDING…my favorite dessert of all (next to banana cream pie). So you’ve probably guessed that I lost all sense of restraint and dived head … Continue reading

Breastfeeding Mom vs. Toys R Us

Here’s one for all you breastfeeding moms out there (and you moms who have successfully weaned your children from the breast): Nearly a week after a Brooklyn mother alleged that she was harassed by employees at a New York City Toys R Us, when she breast fed her infant son, proponents of breast milk are planning a “nurse-in” outside the flagship Times Square store. According to the Daily News, Chelsi Meyerson, contends she was ordered to go to the store’s basement after a female employee caught her breastfeeding her 7-month-old son during a family trip to the store last Monday. … Continue reading

He’s Ready For School—But Am I?

In a few weeks, my son will be starting Kindergarten. Oh, is he ever excited. We had to go buy uniforms last weekend. It was a surreal experience. Though he’s gotten so big the past year, putting on his little blue dress pants and white polo shirt made him look so small in the dressing room. He tucked in his shirt and tried on the belt that was too big for his thin waist (lucky kid) and then looked up at me and said, “Do you like it, Mommy?” I wanted to cry. Here’s what I said: “You look great!” … Continue reading

Job Description: Mother

Here is an email that I received recently that describes the job description of a mother. How many of us would have actually applied for this job? POSITION : Mother, Mom, Mama, Mommy, Momma, Ma JOB DESCRIPTION: Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an, often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities. … Continue reading

Doing It ALL—The Life of a MOM

Do you ever have those days, you know, the ones where you feel like you’re running around fruitlessly all day for everyone and everything, but accomplishing next to nothing? I do. So what do you do about it? How do you cope? Stay organized? It’s not always easy. And I’m the last one to judge anyone else. Let’s be honest here. There are days when my house looks like I’ve been robbed. There are days my house looks great but my kids have been in their pajamas all day (worse things could happen). There are days when it all gets … Continue reading

Friday Parenting Funnies: Jeeze, Louise—Is It Bedtime YET?!

It was one of those days, those nutso days–you know the kind–where you wake up hoping to have a nice, leisurely cup of vanilla coffee. Yet just as you sit down to drink it, WHAM! Out of nowhere a teenage mutant ninja turtle comes flying directly into your cup. That was the first sign the day might not go smoothly. Then, a little while later, while attempting to write, my children decided to play musical couches. I came into the room to find them leaping from the sofa to the loveseat. My five-year-old knows better. But my two-year-old found out … Continue reading

The Title of Mother

Yesterday was mother’s day and I hope all of you mothers out there had an enjoyable day. I was discussing mother’s day with my six-year-old son and he informed me that I didn’t need presents because as a mother the only thing I really needed was my family, kisses, and hugs. (Although he did give me a paving stone that he made in his first grade class and a card.) His comment, startling in its simplicity made me think about what I really want as a mother. He is right, the trimmery and trappings don’t really matter. What every mother … Continue reading

Happy Mother’s Day to All Moms

Good morning! Happy Mother’s Day! I wanted to take a few minutes today and share some personal thoughts about Mother’s Day and what it means to me. Growing up, the two primary influences in my life were my mother and my grandmother. I never knew my father and many of my friends growing up were either in the same boat as I; or they saw their fathers very rarely. While I know today is Mother’s Day and a day that we honor and celebrate our mothers, grandmothers and more – I wanted to take a moment to be grateful that … Continue reading

The Christian Mom

I am still young. I have not yet experienced the joy of motherhood although I have a great desire to become a mother one day. If I am blessed to become a mother I hope to be like the many good Christian mothers I have encountered, including my own mother. In honor of Mother’s Day, this blog is focused on the Christian mom. The Christian mom is strong for the Lord, strong for her husband, and strong for her children. The Christian mom’s foundation is her devotion and obedience to the Lord. Her commitment to the Lord strengthens her throughout … Continue reading