Mother’s Day Meal Special Effects

Mom will surely appreciate anything you make for her, whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner on Mother’s Day, but a few styling tricks will make the presentation something special and she’ll always remember the extra effort. She doesn’t have to know how easy it really is! Breakfast: This tip is from the February 2005 Sunset Magazine: Lightly oil a heart-shaped cookie cutter and put it in the middle of a shallow bowl. Fill it with yogurt or jam. Now surround the cookie cutter with regular oatmeal or cream of wheat. Remove the cookie cutter and you have a little love … Continue reading

In Honor of Mother’s Day: Mother-Son Day Trips

In honor of Mother’s Day I wrote the blog: “Mother-Daughter Vacations” offering activities specifically tailored to promote female bonding. For example, a mother and daughter tea party, a day at the spa, etc. I ended the blog by promising to share ideas specifically designed for mothers and sons. And with Mother’s Day just around the corner, I must make good on that promise. Easier said than done. I am a mother, but I have yet to give birth to a son. And while I am married to a son and have three brothers, I struggled to come up with any … Continue reading