Define Your Parental Fitness

I talked about Mom Fitness yesterday and as it’s Friday and we’re going into the weekend, I wanted to throw in a discussion about your parental fitness. With Mother’s Day on Sunday, there’s never been a better time to evaluate your personal parental fitness. When you are passionately engaged in your life and you are healthy and performing a regular regimen of physical fitness – your children are more likely to be engaged as well. For example, every day when I work out, my daughter comes to exercise with me. We have conversations every day about what’s healthy and what’s … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Mother’s Day Layouts

It seems that most Scrapbookers are women. And the majority of those women are mothers. This isn’t to say it’s the same for everyone. However, if a Scrapbooker is not a mother yet, more than likely they have a mother or someone special in which to celebrate Mother’s day with. Every May we celebrate the joy of motherhood. As a mother you will never forget the day your son or daughter was placed into your arms, whether through adoption or at the time of their birth. A child changes our lives forever, and should be celebrated! And certainly so should … Continue reading

Decorate for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching. You might not be used to decorating for Mother’s Day, but why not make this day extra special for Mom? Let her sleep in (or stay in her room and relax) while you get things ready, and make your home feel as festive as you would for any other special occasion. Cover the dining table with a pretty tablecloth. Buy a new one if you need to. You can find some very nice damask tablecloths at Wal-Mart for very affordable prices, and Mom will appreciate the extra gift. Set the table with your best dishes … Continue reading

In Honor of Mother’s Day: Mother-Son Day Trips

In honor of Mother’s Day I wrote the blog: “Mother-Daughter Vacations” offering activities specifically tailored to promote female bonding. For example, a mother and daughter tea party, a day at the spa, etc. I ended the blog by promising to share ideas specifically designed for mothers and sons. And with Mother’s Day just around the corner, I must make good on that promise. Easier said than done. I am a mother, but I have yet to give birth to a son. And while I am married to a son and have three brothers, I struggled to come up with any … Continue reading

Dad Can Do It!

When my friends and I were all starting our families and experiencing motherhood for the first time, we noticed that it seemed like we Moms were doing a lot of the work. More so than our young husbands. And it didn’t seem fair at all. We were pretty cranky about it, in fact. Long gone are the days when Dads can opt out of childcare responsibilities. This is the new millennium, we expect to share all parenting responsibilities equally darn it! Well, there was a small problem. Even when these new daddies were taking the initiative and asking (ok, I … Continue reading

Walking Moms: Are You at Risk?

Sure, I write about safety with your children all of the time. But, hey, it’s not all about our kids! We need to be safe, too. It’s a widely known fact: walking is incredible exercise. It’s easy on your joints, works your muscles, and is even good for your brain! It decreases your risk for possible future health problems when done on a regular basis. It can help to clear your mind, especially when you don’t have your kids with you. It’s a great stress reliever, great alone time for you, and a wonderfully healthy habit. However, (yes, there is … Continue reading

Why Stay at Home, Mom?

Why do we stay at home? According to Senator Dodd, who argued against giving stay-at-home moms the same tax break as families who put their children in daycare, stay at home moms are self-pampered who just want to “play golf or go to the club and play cards.” I don’t know about you but that definitely doesn’t describe my life. In fact it describes very few stay at home moms. Research by Robert E. Rector, a senior research fellow of The Heritage Foundation that specializes in family and welfare research, found that in 1996 the median income of married couples … Continue reading

Stay at Home – Work at Home

I am a stay at home mother of three, but I also work from home. Through the years I have tried a variety of different ways to make money from home. Some of them have worked, like running my own in-home daycare and doing freelance writing, and some have failed like selling travel packages and hair bows at home parties. I have outlined six steps to help you find a successful way to make money from home. List Your Skills Make a list of all the skills you have to offer. Do you have a degree? Do you like to … Continue reading