Victims of Identity Theft

Have you been a victim of identity theft? Are you looking for some ideas on what to do? You have come to the right place! Let’s talk today about some of the steps to take if you ever are a victim of identity theft. 1. Immediately place a fraud alert on all your credit reports. This will hopefully prevent any further abuse, as a fraud alert requires creditors to follow special procedures before a new account can be opened in your name. A fraud alert lasts 90 days, but you can always call again to reissue it if needed. 2. … Continue reading

Identity Theft Prevention

Crime has changed over the years, but it is still just as serious. Instead of robbing you directly of your cash, thieves now steal your personal information and use it to commit fraud or other crimes. It is particularly sneaky as many people are completely unaware they are a victim. Often it is not until your credit and good name are ruined that you discover the actual crime. The best defense is prevention. You need to start by safeguarding all your personal information. Shred all critical paperwork and financial documents. Be scrupulous with your Social Security number. Don’t carry the … Continue reading