Who is Responsible?

This is a common question when family members are having money problems. If they are related to you, are you possibly responsible? In some cases the answer will be yes, in others no. Let’s discuss some of the most common. Children: If a child is your dependent, and under the age of 18, then you are responsible for most everything he or she does. While most credit laws prevent minors from borrowing, if a parent co-signs on a loan or credit card… they are responsible for any debts his or her dependent incurs. Once a child turns 18 though, the … Continue reading

A Financial Planner to Save the Marriage

Following along with the rest of my blogs this week, I wanted to also visit another option for money fighting. If your relationship is having some serious financial disagreements, it may be time to call in a third party. When couples fight and can’t get to solutions, often a marriage counselor is recommended. If these fights are mostly about money, it may be better worth your time (and money!) to hire a financial planner instead. The goal of any third party in a relationship struggle is to help bring in an unemotional, uninvolved person into the couple’s battle. If this … Continue reading

Marriage Blog Week in Review for July 8 – 13

The weeks are flying by this summer and this week is no exception. So let’s do a quick review of our Marriage Blog’s week. Sunday, July 8 Do You Deserve To Be Happy? Do you know the answer to this question? It’s an important question to answer and to discover the answer to as it will help you build a happier marriage. Monday, July 9 Fighting About Money Doesn’t Fix the Problem because nine times out of ten, when you and your spouse are fighting about money – you aren’t really fighting about money. Your struggle may be over control, … Continue reading

Fighting About Money Doesn’t Fix the Problem

Money. Money. Money. It’s the guilty party in most marriages when it comes to fighting with your spouse. Whether you talk about your finances, pool your resources or leave it to one spouse or the other to manage it – money is a huge bone in the midst of any relationship. If you’re thinking that money is one of the leading causes of divorce, you’d be right. So How Do You Deal With It? Financial issues are the pink elephant in the middle of your marriage. But you have to recognize that fights about money aren’t just about money. Those … Continue reading

Marriage and Family Issues: Debt

We know that financial problems can strain a marriage and in fact stress the entire family. How does a family manage debt without making that hole deeper? With predatory lenders advertising at alarming rates, not to mention alarming interest rates, it is no wonder some families end up compounding their debt rather than alleviating it. Do any of the following facts surprise you? Couples or families that borrow even more money in an attempt to get out of debt are the number one source of profits for many lenders. Predatory lenders target families in debt for high interest loans and … Continue reading

Control Issues in Marriage: Money as a Source of Control

One of the reasons so many women are adamant about earning their own incomes is that they have seen what can happen to women who have no resources of their own. While most men are not trying to control their wives with money, it can and does happen. If the woman has no income or makes significantly less than her husband makes, it seems as if he wields control. If he takes advantage of the situation, it can be very damaging to the marriage. This may also occur if a wife has or earns more than her husband does. In … Continue reading

Marriage Problems or Money Problems?

Money problems can be one of the worst sources of stress in a marriage. If you and your mate recognize that it is the stress of financial problems that is causing strain in your marriage, you’ll be less likely to take things out on each other. Instead, you can work together to find solutions to these problems and avoid resentment. First, sit down and discuss the situation with your spouse at a convenient time. Go over the bills and decide together which ones must be paid first. Pay what you can and decide how to deal with the rest. This … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Problems with Money?

Finances and financial disputes with your spouse are problematic at best. No one likes arguing about money and let’s be honest, while money does not make the world go round – it does make it easier. So here are a few tips for you and your spouse to get better control of your finances and to help the two of you feel better without getting into a huge fight. Make a List and Check it Twice – Is something about the finances annoying? Are you putting out too much money to cover expenses you can’t keep track of? Take some … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: M is for Money, Honey

Money issues can certainly wreak havoc in a marriage. Lack of money or lack of the ability to manage it well can definitely cause harm, especially when times get really tough. Couples need to employ tested strategies and develop good financial skills in order to protect themselves, their assets, and their marriage. They need to work money problems out together instead of taking them out on each other. Outstanding debt can add a lot of stress to a marriage, so it is important to draw up a budget together and stick to it. One of the fastest ways to get … Continue reading

Money Can be a Problem for Marriage

Money problems are one of the oldest and most difficult problems that confront married couples whether they have been married for five days, five months or five years. So deciding how money is going to be handled is among the most difficult decisions and one where all the guidance in the world does not provide a sure-fire formula for what will work. There is a great book on the subject called Financial Planning for Couples by Adriane G. Berg. Berg makes the observation that a couple will know what feels fair. If it feels fair – then it’s right. Joint … Continue reading