Do Not Call List

I just finished moving and in the process received a new phone line. At first, I did not register my new phone number with the Do Not Call List as my old number was. I now realize how spoiled I was for the last five years being on the Do Not Call List. Some of you may not even know what the Do Not Call List is or you may be like me, blissfully enjoying the silence. Either way, I thought my recent experience might be worthwhile to share with you all. The Do Not Call List is a government … Continue reading

Non-profit Financial Companies

Generally, when people hear that a company is a non-profit, they assume the organization is only for the benefit of others. Unfortunately, this is not always true. Many unscrupulous financial organizations realize that the perception of a non-profit is one of good and caring. Therefore, they will purposefully set up their organization as one, just to further swindle you. Of course, this does not mean that all non-profit financial companies are scams, just that you need to be as cautious even if the organization is a non-profit one. Certainly, the non-profit organization, Consumer Credit Counseling Services, is a fine example … Continue reading