Dinner Discussions for Week 32

This week’s dinner discussion are based on lesson number thirty-two. As you review the lessons with your family keep the mood light and fun. Your children will respond more positively to a show and tell environment rather than a testing type environment. You also may want to start with your youngest children since they tend to have a shorter memory. If you have children in Nursery or Sunbeams, they learned about being thankful for food and clothing. They talked about the different types of food and where they come from. They also talked about how clothes were made. They learned … Continue reading

An Outsider’s View

Once upon a time, there was a troll at Families.com that attacked a friend’s beliefs. I didn’t share my friend’s beliefs, but I certainly didn’t feel she needed to be attacked for them. I didn’t like it at all and the troll got me so riled up that I decided to read the Book of Mormon just to get that troll’s goat. Funny how things work out. (You can read most of that long ago conversation here.) I wiped the tear from my face just before shaking the Bishop’s hand. I had been so moved that I had wiped many … Continue reading

Successful Family Prayers

We have been counseled to have family prayer on a regular basis. This can be a difficult undertaking, especially if it has been awhile since you have had it. There are a few steps that may make it easier for you to have family prayer on a consistent basis. 1) Set aside a time when the entire family can be together during the day. This can be more difficult as your children become teenagers and are busy with both early morning seminary and after school activities. Several families I’ve known have had family prayer and scripture study in the morning … Continue reading

Are You in a Unfriendly Ward?

At one time or another most people will experience a time when they feel a less than welcome in the ward. It can happen when you move into a transient ward or a ward with a lot of people moving in and out of the ward. It may happen after you have lived in the ward for a while, and you just feel like people are not your friends. It can be difficult to continue to go to church when you feel like you do not have any real friends in your ward. It may be that others are just … Continue reading

A Review of “Scripture Scouts

We recently got “Scripture Scouts: Musical Adventures in the Book of Mormon” for our children. I first heard about “Scripture Scouts’ when I asked a mother how her Sunbeam age boy knew all of the scripture stories that we talked about in Primary. I wanted to know her secret. She told me that he learned them from listening to the tapes. Since “Scripture Scouts” has recently been released to CD, we decided to buy them and give them a try. I was initially a little nervous about how the entire package would be put together. I didn’t want anything, which … Continue reading


One great service that is available through most satellite television subscriptions is BYU-TV. This station is comprised of programming that is related to the gospel. At any given time you can turn it on and be able to welcome the spirit into your home. BYU-TV is also available on many cable stations throughout the country. The programming covers a wide spectrum. It will air previous devotionals from BYU. It also airs talks from BYU Education week, and other symposiums. There is a show called “Living Essentials,” which offers tips on preparedness and food storage. There are also shows to watch … Continue reading

New LDS Gems Subscriptions Available

If you have enjoyed LDS Gems, the email subscription, the church has just released a few more that you should check out. These subscriptions are released in conjunction with the new website that is being offered. The LDS Gems subscription is still available if you have not yet signed up. In addition to that you can receive a daily update of news involving the church. This includes news articles that have been written about the church, the website calls this the “Church in the News” and announcements from the church refered to as “News from the Church.” You can also … Continue reading

New LDS Website

The church has launched a new website. It is still currently in beta and you can visit it here. The site will take the place of the current one by the end of this year. The site design has been improved. As I looked over the site I saw a lot of features which made the site more user friendly. One particular thing that I liked was the as you click on a link, the sub-menu pops open instead of going to the page. This is helpful if you are not sure in what area the information your are looking … Continue reading

Music Resources Available at www.lds.org

One great feature of www.lds.org is the music library that they have available to you. To access this you would go into the “Gospel Library” section and then click on “Church Music.” In the music section you can view the sheet music for all of the hymns and songs from the Children’s Songbook. You can also listen to the songs being played as well as hear the songs being sung. You can also view the music, which has been published in the church magazines. Songs from seminary CD’s and videos are also available to listen to. The “Learning Music” section … Continue reading

Make Time to Attend the Temple

I live outside of Utah, and recently temple attendance in our area has dropped. Our stake has the temple within our boundaries, and so when there is an empty session or one with low attendance we are urged to make time to attend the temple. The temple is a wonderful and sacred place. It is important to make time to go to the temple every month and more often if you can. My husband and I went once a week when we were first married. We were living in Provo, and finishing up school. We didn’t have any children, and … Continue reading