A Review of “Midway to Heaven” by Dean Hughes

One of my favorite books by Dean Hughes is “Midway to Heaven.” This is the story of Ned Stevens, a recently retired and widowed father. His youngest daughter is about to get married. And Ned doesn’t react very well to news. Ned’s antics throughout the book are hilarious. From the moment Liz brings home a new friend, David Markham, Ned realizes that something is seriously wrong. Ned goes to great lengths to discover what it is about David that rubs him the wrong way. He begins by checking out David’s background. He calls old friends that live in the area … Continue reading

A Review of “Too Good to Be True” by Taunia L. Bean

One book that I have enjoyed reading is “Too Good to Be True” by Taunia L. Bean. This is the story of two girls who grew up together as best friends. Julia has always been very focused on school. She has her goals in life set out before her, and she is determined to get what she wants. This begins to change after she meets Ben. He is a fun loving good looking guy who manages to distract her from her studies long enough for her to fall in love with him. She has a difficult time trying to decide … Continue reading


If you have a young man or young women who will be entering ninth grade next year. It is time to begin thinking about enrolling your child in a seminary program. The seminary program offers a gospel-centered class that meets every week. The classes usually meet Mondays through Fridays and follow the local school schedule. If you live in a heavily LDS populated area, then it is likely that your child will have the option to sign up for release time seminary. Usually the seminary building is located right off the school grounds, and students will walk to the building … Continue reading

A Review of “Foul Play” by Betsy Brannon Green

Betsy Brannon Green is a master of the suspense novel. I have enjoyed every novel that I have read by her. One particularly good novel is “Foul Play.” This is the story of Billie Murphy who works full time for the Georgia Chamber of Commerce as a public relations representative. She also writes novels in her spare time. She has worked hard for a long time and is about to take a much-deserved vacation when a co-worker, Camille, forces Billie to take her spot to show businessmen possible sights for a future plant. While on her trip strange things begin … Continue reading

Standing for Your Beliefs

Sometimes it may be easier to sit and let the world go by, and not really do anything to change situations that may be wrong. It may be that you are embarrassed, or would just rather avoid the hassle of correcting misinformation that you have heard. You may be uncomfortable because you know the awkward silence that will come as you tell people which church you belong to. Or you may be afraid that you will lose a good friend, because you tell them about the church. In Romans 1:16 it reads: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel … Continue reading

Sunday Activities

Children may have a hard time looking at Sunday in a positive light. Often they only see the things that they are not allowed to do, rather than the positive aspects of Sunday. However there are ways to keep your children entertained while having them stay focused on the importance of the Sabbath Day. 1) “The Friend” is an excellent resource of crossword puzzles, riddles, and coloring pages that are centered on gospel topics. You can find these at www.lds.org, then you will need to go to “Gospel Library” and do a search. If you search for the phrase “click … Continue reading

Coming Back to Church

Coming back to church after you have been less active can be very difficult. Often it involves making lifestyle changes, which may include giving up smoking and drinking. It can also be an adjustment to get up and attend church every Sunday. Often people feel like they cannot come back to church until they have made the changes they need to in their lifestyles. This is not the case. When you come back to church, you will be blessed with added strength to quit the addictive habits that you may have. It is important as you come back to church … Continue reading

A Review of “Turning Point” by Laurel Mouritsen

“Turning Point” By Laurel Mouritsen is an excellent book. It is the story of Savannah Lawrence, a young women who has just graduated from college. She and a friend are on a road trip across the country when a car hits her while she is riding her bike. The accident happens near the town of Nauvoo. While recovering, Savannah becomes intrigued by the spirit of Nauvoo and decides to stay and work for the summer. She spends time with Bridger Caldwell, a member of the church. As her feelings for him grow, she decides that she must begin to investigate … Continue reading

Young Women: “It Shows in Your Face”

At the Young Women’s session of General Elaine B. Dalton, second counselor in the general Young Women’s presidency, spoke about the light of Christ being reflected in your countenances. Her talk was titled “It Shows in Your Face.” She says about the light of Christ: “I believe that you are included in those spoken of by the Apostle Peter when he said, ‘Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.’ That light is the … Continue reading

Sustaining Those Who Serve

Every few weeks in church changes in callings are made. We are asked as members to raise our hand in order to sustain the people who are called to new callings. As we raise our hands each week in support of the new individual do we make sure that we really do sustain them in their calling or is it just a gesture of good will? Are we supporting the Primary presidency in what they do? Do we take our children to primary activities whenever possible? Do we substitute when available? Do we remember to prepare the talks or scriptures … Continue reading