Relief Society: Take Care of Yourself

Women almost always put everything before taking care of themselves. It is important to find time to nourish yourself so that you have the energy and love to care for others. It is important to find a balance in your life between caring for yourself, and meeting your other responsibilities. You should take care of yourself spiritually, physically, and emotionally. One important area to care for yourself is spiritually. It is important to nourish your testimony and your relationship with Heavenly Father on a daily basis. Even fifteen minutes of scripture study and daily personal prayer can make a big … Continue reading

The Proclamation on the Family — David J. Ridges

My husband and I were married on August 31, 1995, in the Salt Lake temple. Both of us came from broken homes and we wanted to make our marriage a success, but we didn’t have personal examples to follow and we felt like we were flying a bit blind. Less than one month later, in September of 1995, the First Presidency issued “A Proclamation to the World on the Family,” and we felt as though we’d been given a personal map to correctly chart our course. “The Proclamation” as given to us by the First Presidency takes all the beliefs, … Continue reading

The Daughters of Helaman

We read in the Book of Mormon about the two thousand stripling warriors, the young men who did not fear death because of the deep faith they had in the Lord and His sovereign power. These are the boys called the Sons of Helaman, who told their leader that they knew the love of the Lord because their mothers had taught them. They were willing to serve and to be obedient, even unto death, because of the faith their mothers demonstrated to them. My daughter attended Girls’ Camp for the first time this year, and her leaders chose a theme … Continue reading

Preparing to Be a Step-Mother

There are so many ways that a step-mother can prepare for her role in the family. It isn’t often that we wake up one morning and we didn’t have time to prepare, so it is ridiculous to think that there isn’t a way to both mentally and physically prepare for being a step-mother. I’m not talking about going out and getting in shape and fit because you are going to be chasing children around. Not at all. The physical aspect of preparing for your new role as a step-mother involves simply learning a little about the new family before the … Continue reading

5 Fun Things About This Writer

No matter how serious we can be in life, there has to be some time for fun. You’ve heard the old saying “All work and no play….”, well it’s true. In life it is important to remember that laughing and spending time with those we love should rank high in our priorities in life, even if other priorities require us to be more on the serious side. In honor of that theory, I’d like to take a moment and say hello here in the Fun Blog. Most of you probably know me from several other blogs, namely the Scrapbooking Blog … Continue reading

Single Parenting is Hard

Let’s face it. No matter how hard we try, or what we say or do – single parenting is difficult. The world changes around us each day. New things come onto our plates, and we try to acclimate and adjust, yet still the act of parenting a child or children is difficult when there is only one of us around. You are trying to be two parents at once, even when the other parent is still involved. And even when the other parent is still involved, situations arise that become difficult to face, accept and move on from. So what … Continue reading

A Step-Mother’s Role

If you are in a blended family, you’ve probably heard the prediction that step-families will be the families of the future. However, over the years our society has painted the step mother out to be this horrible woman who treats her step-children terribly. Think Disney movies and you basically have it. Is this the norm in a typical blended family? Not at all. Most step mothers are seriously committed to making their blended family a success rather than a statistic. With the odds strongly stacked against them from the very start, a step mother often feels ill at ease and … Continue reading

He Stepped Up When It Mattered Most, Part 2

In Part 1, I started explaining how Wayne stepped up as my mom neared the end. This is the conclusion of that tale. Saturday, June 14 We’d just gotten set up with hospice the day before, June 13, when the very next morning my mom suffered a series of mini-strokes. As I was on the phone with the hospice describing her symptoms, she started throwing up all over herself. Wayne was the one to clean her up. Then while we waited for an ambulance to come transport her to an in-patient hospice facility, I went to take a shower because … Continue reading

Dealing With The Death Of Parents

Beth’s blog about parents and death prompted me to write about my experience. My father died when I was 16. It was sudden and left Mom and me reeling with shock. I didn’t have brothers and sisters to turn to but Mom and I had each other. My mother died when I was in my 30s. Hers was a battle with cancer that went on over a few years. Like Courtney, I pretty well put my life on hold. I dropped out of bible study, church and everything else I’d been involved in,but continued to read my Bible and pray … Continue reading

May in Review, Part Three

I shared the news that thousands of Chinese are offering to adopt children orphaned by the quake in Earthquake May Prove to Be a Milestone for Adoption in China. However, some orphans of a previous quake reported feeling as though they were tolerated as foster children rather than fully part of their adoptive families or relatives’ families, and some social service personnel feel that the children could support each other better in a boarding school where they would live with other earthquake survivors. This controversy is discussed in Is Adoption the Best Solution for Earthquake Survivors? –The Disagreement. In What … Continue reading