What Your Nose Knows

Don’t knock your nose — scientists believe that the nose is capable of recognizing thousands of smells. In fact, studies are showing that your sense of smell may be as much as ten thousand times sharper than your sense of taste. That’s pretty amazing! So how does smell work? Inside your nose are millions are cells that act as scent receptors. We have hundreds of different kinds of smell receptors that allow us to identify lots of different odors. Once your scent receptors detect a smell, they send the information to a cluster of neurons in the brain known as … Continue reading

My Favorite Television Moms

First of all, Happy Mother’s Day! Now, let’s get down to the business of this blog – my favorite television mothers! Television has been around for a while, so I have about 60 or so years of shows from which to choose. If I left out one of your favorites, please let me know! 10. Florida Evans – “Good Times” Oh sure, you might not be living in the lap of luxury, but you would sure have a lot of love. Florida showed her love for J.J., Thelma, and Michael all the time, but she wasn’t afraid to offer them … Continue reading

What Annoys Me About Mother’s Day

What annoys me about Mother’s Day is, first and foremost, the way it has been taken over by commercialism. TVs and catalogues run ads like ‘buy Mom a diamond ring or pendant, a washing machine,’ etc – the assumption being that the more money is spent on the gift, the more we value Mom. Rubbish! Two of my most treasured gifts are 3 paperbacks and a hand made bracelet. My son made the bracelet of red, white and green clay around thirty years ago. Like his mother he’s not the most adept person when it comes to crafts, so anything … Continue reading

Mother’s Day is Hard

Mother’s Day is hard. It is hard for those whose family is far away and cannot get to visit. Hard for those who are estranged from their mother. Or for the mother estranged from her children for whatever reason. Hard for those who wanted children and were unable to have them. Hard for those who have a difficult relationship with their mother. Hard for those who’s mother has died or is in the process of dying. My Mom died 28 years ago, yet I still find certain times hard. Mother’s Day is one of them. When my Mom was alive … Continue reading

Young Mothers: Pray, Study and Teach the Gospel

In conclusion of the young mothers series based on “Daughters of God” Elder Ballard’s final point for mothers was to pray, study and teach the gospel. When we think about the importance of families in the plan of salvation, we realize the importance that this final counsel really has. It is essential that we take the time to teach the gospel to our children, and that we strengthen our own testimonies. It is important to regularly study the scriptures and to pray. A mother’s testimony and beliefs will be passed on to her children. If you want your children to … Continue reading

Young Mothers: Take Care of Yourself

In continuing with the young mother series based on Elder Ballard’s third point to mothers in “Daughters of God” is to take time for yourself. Elder Ballard points out that if you do not take time to replenish yourself then you are in danger or running dry and being unable to provide love and care for your family at all. He also warns against “time-wasting, numb-minding things like television soap operas or surfing the Internet.” He counsels us to turn to the Lord to find healthy ways to do this. My grandmother gave me similar advice when I got married, … Continue reading

Young Mothers: Don’t Overschedule

In continuing on my young mother’s series, Elder Ballard’s second point to mothers in “Daughters of God” was the importance of not over-scheduling your family. He took it a step farther to emphasize the importance of playing together with your children. These are important points that can help make your life less stressful As a brand new mom, I often wondered why the moms with older (and more) children often did not make it to playgroup. Since I have had more children and one start school, I don’t wonder anymore. I often feel that we are stretched too thin, and … Continue reading

Young Mothers: Living in the Moment

I thought that Elder M Russell Ballard’s talk “Daughters of God” was very poignant. This may be because I am a young mother, and I have been struggling with balancing my family’s needs with my own and other outside needs. I thought that I would write about each of the four points that he made specifically to mothers over this next week. Elder Ballard’s first point was about living in the moment and enjoying that moment. This counsel should be taken to heart. It is so true that the small daily moments are the ones that we can find joy … Continue reading

Is It Okay To Be Angry With God? – part 2

In my last blog we looked at the question, is it okay to be angry with God? We looked at some Old Testament characters that were angry. Today we’ll look at some people from the New Testament. When we come to the New Testament and the sisters Mary and Martha, we find, in concern for their brother when he was sick, they sent to Jesus to come and help, John 11:3. Instead of immediately rushing to their aid, even though he loved this family, Jesus delayed another two days before setting out, John 11.6. By the time Jesus arrived, Lazarus … Continue reading

What You Can Learn from How He Treats His Mother

I have always believed that you can tell a lot about a man from the way that he treats his mother and the way that his mother treats him. Before getting married it is not a bad idea to hang out your mate and his mom. If he treats his mom with respect then you may be in good shape. Having a man that respects women is a plus. Does he open the door for her? Does he talk politely to her? Both of these things can tell you a lot about how he feels about women. A man that … Continue reading