The Women in Our Lives

We often look back on previous years and generations with a sense of longing and regret, because what is the present day is not the same as then and we all feel it. But no where do we feel it more keenly than in the area of raising our children. Where once when a baby was born, the women of the family converged to provide support for the mom – too often we are far away from our mothers, mothers-in-law, sisters, cousins, sisters-in-law, aunts and more. Too often we are alone when it comes to those long hours in the … Continue reading

Where Is Her Mother?

“Where is her mother?” I am at the toy store with my kids, my light-haired, hazel-eyed son and my golden-brown-skinned, black-eyed Korean daughter. They play with the display toys as I stand watch nearby. A woman stops to chat. “She’s very active for such a little thing,” comments another woman. “Yes, she is,” I reply. We watch a few minutes more. “Um…do you know if her mother is anywhere around?” the woman asks in a concerned voice. “Yes, I’m her mother.” “Oh…oh!” I smile to put her at ease, but flustered, she smiles then beats a hasty retreat to the … Continue reading

Happy Birthday, Mom!

November is a great month in my family. We start the celebrating with my sister’s birthday on the 2nd, my mom’s birthday is today, my dad’s is on the 24th, and my son turns two on the 29th. Because today belongs to Mom, and because she’s the one who taught me to read, I thought it would be fun to compile a list of some of my mother’s favorite books. 1. All the books of Agatha Christie. Who would disagree that Dame Agatha is one of the foremost of all mystery writers? She actually wrote her first book, “The Mysterious … Continue reading

Did Mother Really Know Best?

If you’re a parent, and if you’re lucky enough to have your own mother still living, then you’ve likely been given some if not much unsolicited advice throughout the years. The question is, does mother really know best? Did your mother tell you that putting rice cereal in a newborn baby’s bottle would help them fall asleep at night? Did you listen? Or did you listen to your pediatrician who said, “no way?” Did your mother tell you that a lukewarm bath could bring down a fever? Have you tried it? Did your mother give you advice on diapering, feeding, … Continue reading

I’m Glad I’m Your Mother by Bill and Kathy Horlacher

My daughter and I are too much alike and too different for our own goods, and we lock horns more and more often the closer she gets to puberty. I understand this is normal, but it doesn’t make it any easier and it doesn’t provide those elusive answers we all seek when it comes to raising our children. While at the bookstore one day a few years ago, I happened upon this book, and it touched my heart. I bought it for my daughter, hoping that it would speak to her in ways that I’m sometimes not able, and she … Continue reading

Women’s Fitness: Your Duty to Yourself

Good morning Ladies, how are you today? Well, I hope. Me? Oh, I’m a bit tired. I’ve been working too much again and not taking enough time for myself. I seem to spend my life in an expectant stage of going from one project to another so fast that I forget to stop and take a breath in between them. This isn’t a healthy way to exist and I, of all people, am aware of it. Ladies, Our Duty is to Ourselves As wives, mothers, daughters and sisters we tend to overlook ourselves in favor of our husbands, our children, … Continue reading

Honoring Your Mother and Father

I was fortunate enough to be raised in a loving home with both my mom and my dad. It’s not difficult to find ways to honor and respect them today because they were good to us. I know not everyone can say this about their parents. When asked how one honors a mother or father they don’t respect, I had to sit and really think about this one. Commandment number five of the Ten Commandments given by God states in Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother…” In Ephesians 6:2 furthers the point, “’Honor your father and mother.’ Which … Continue reading

My View Through Rose Colored Glasses

As a single parent I have enough frustrations to perpetually keep me grumpy, depressed and generally just ticked off. I have to work daily at training my brain to try to see the good in every situation. Granted some situations just stink-badly.I have come to realize that I have a choice as to how I want to allow an unpleasant or even disturbing situation affect me, my mood and ultimately my disposition with the children. I am not exactly talking about holding positive energy, or keeping good thoughts at the expense of dealing with reality. Instead I tyr to force … Continue reading

Mothers Raising Boys

What do Tom Cruise, Ed Bradley, Alexander Haig, Bill Clinton, Alan Greenspan, Bill Cosby, Dr. Benjamin Carson and Les Brown have in common? They were all raised by single mothers. This information may give us a glimmer of hope, but for many moms the task of bringing up boys can seem very daunting. We worry that we might not have the skills needed to help them grow into men. I think the best thing we can do for our boys is get to know them personally and educate ourselves about what boys need to grow into strong men. Here are … Continue reading

Mama- Thermostat of the Home

I don’t know about where you are, but here in Central Kentucky it’s sweltering hot! One feels a special appreciation for air conditioning on a day like today. My thermostat is set to 72 degrees Fahrenheit and it feels good, especially after spending some time outside. Moms are a lot like thermostats. We have the power to set the environment of our home. We can make it a cozy place, or we can make it an uncomfortable place. A couple of weeks ago a friend and I were talking through an issue and she made the comment, “If Mama ain’t … Continue reading