Feeling Airsick?

I’m not a very good flier. The slightest bump leaves me clutching the arm rests, heart thudding and sweaty. But one thing I’ve never done is actually needed to use the barf bag in the seat pocket. I do, however, tend to get motion sickness. It’s worse in a car than in a plane, but I still experience some of the symptoms. If you get airsick, here are a few tips to help soothe your stomach (and other body parts). Bring peppermint or ginger candies with you. These are two traditional remedies for an upset stomach that really work! When … Continue reading

“Mommy, I Don’t Feel Good!”

It may very well be the most dreaded phrase that could be uttered from the back seat during a long car trip. (Other than “Mom, Bobby is bleeding.”) Motion sickness… car sickness… whatever you want to call it, the after effects can put a real damper on your family’s summer road trip. So what can we do to help our young travelers (and more mature ones) from experiencing that awful queasy feeling during long car rides and on stomach turning thrill rides? Well, first, doctors say we need to stop blaming our stomachs. Studies show it’s the brain not the … Continue reading

Tips To Avoid Travel Woes

August has always been a busy travel month for our family. We celebrate two birthdays a week during the month of August; it is also the unofficial “last month of summer;” and August is traditionally a great time to find end of the summer travel deals. If you have waited this long to take your family vacation, you certainly don’t want it ruined by motion sickness or jet lag. Whereas some vacationers simply consider jet lag and motion sickness “downsides” of traveling, there are ways you can reduce, or in some cases prevent them from happening to you. JET LAG … Continue reading

Does Your Baby Get Car Sick?

We’re all so used to hearing the tales of putting the baby in the car to soothe them and help them go to sleep. But babies can get carsick too. If your baby suffers from motion or car sickness in the car, here are some tips to help prevent the queasiness when they are riding in the car: Feed them ahead of time – avoid giving them bottles or other food while they are riding in the car and to prevent them taking a car ride on an empty stomach. If they get motion sick, an empty stomach will increase … Continue reading