Traveling in Colder Climates

As we think about what clothing to take along for trips to colder climates, it is best to think of dressing in layers, with lighter clothing underneath and long sleeves/jackets on the outside. This allows us to be prepared for winds that might come up and for the naturally cool temperatures at higher elevations. However, if needed, the jacket, cap, and gloves can easily be removed and stashed in a small backpack or shoulder bag when it warms up. I made a few mistakes in my cold-weather travel, so I thought I would pass them on to you. One thing … Continue reading

A Trip To The Mountains

Saturday we were wondering what to do as a family. My two-year-old suggested swimming. Neither my husband nor I were very fond of the idea of spending another day at a local pool. We had gone swimming the week before. So I suggested we take a trip to the mountains. We were a little worried about West Nile Virus, since Idaho is currently the top state in the nation for reported cases. So we checked and found that the area we wanted to visit had only one reported case. A lot less than the county we live in. I went … Continue reading