Disney Pixar’s Up Soars High but with a Couple of Bumps

Disney Pixar’s Up, now playing in theaters, may be the best movie of the year so far. Still, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t some room for improvement. Up is a wonderful tale that thrills in parts but has a few moments that could have been left out. Up is at once a perfectly bittersweet love story, a realized childhood action adventure, and a classic comedy in which grumpy old man meets an enthusiastically cute and innocent Dennis the Menace archetype. The animation is just amazing. But before Carl Frederickson can become the grouchy retired balloon salesman, he is first … Continue reading

The X Factor of X Men Origins: Wolverine

Recently we caught up with X Men Origins: Wolverine starring Hugh Jackman. As the name implies it gives the background of how Wolverine. came to be what he is. It’s all about what shaped him and what turned him from a mutant with bone talons that came out of his hands to an indestructible creature with talons of steel. Basically James gets fed up with the violence and killing. He tries to walk away from Team X, the group of mutants led by Major William Stryker. He settles down as a lumberjack with the woman he loves. But he finds … Continue reading

Hancock (2008)

Let me begin this review with the fact that this is not the movie that is advertised in the previews. The first 30 minutes, yes, the rest of the movie? Not so much. Secondly, despite the fact that it’s PG-13 and it’s about a ‘reluctant superhero’ – this is not a movie for little kids at all. In fact, I think 13 really does stretch the youngest age for the film. That said; let’s take a moment to talk about Hancock. The Man We meet Hancock and get to know him in the first 30 minutes of the film. He … Continue reading

Why Don’t Our Mice Do That?

Something strange has been happening in our home lately since we brought home the Disney movie Enchanted. I won’t give you any of the details of the movie. You can check with the Media Blog for that, but suffice it to say that we are looking at our home in a new light. The whole family is singing and dancing around the house, humming happy working songs and expecting the local wildlife to come and help us with our dishes. But, since I just spent most of my day preparing turkey pot pies and cleaning up the kitchen, I am … Continue reading

Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix (2007)

It’s official, Harry Potter is back. At 12:01 a.m. last night, we sat down in a theater to preview Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix. Normally, I wouldn’t go see a movie so late, but my daughter is so eager to see the film, I wanted to preview it first. She’s a huge fan of Harry Potter, both the books and the films. Please note that this review will contain major spoilers if you have not read the books first. Background At the end of Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire Harry came face to face with … Continue reading

Ratatouille (2007)

Let me preface this review by saying that although this movie is gorgeously done animation by director and writer Brad Bird (The Incredibles 2004), this fairytale about a Remy the Rat’s dreams of being a master chef coming true does have one significant problem for parents. The animation is so well done that the scenes of the rats fleeing one home at the beginning or swarming together to help Remy towards the end are so very well done that it was nauseating. It was like actually watching a tidal wave of rats and I’m sorry Disney and Pixar – you … Continue reading

The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause Review

I told you a few weeks ago about our plans to see the Santa Clause 3 when it opened and Friday afternoon, that’s exactly what we did. The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause is the third in the Santa Clause franchise that began back in 1993. The great thing about this movie franchise is that the same actors have maintained their roles and we’ve literally watched the young man who plays Charlie grow up in the part. When we last saw them, Scott Calvin aka Santa Clause found his Mrs. Clause in Charlie’s high school principal. Now happily married … Continue reading

The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D

There is nothing like a 3-D movie. I remember once going to a horrible documentary about the Titanic, simply because it was in 3-D. There is just something about putting on those glasses and going to a movie that appeals to me. That said, I thought “The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D” was a great movie. The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D is from the same director as the Spy Kids movies. I was personally a fan of the first, the plot line kind of started to diminish in the following two … Continue reading