Goal Setting and Marriage

It’s always interesting to hear or read about other people and what works in their marriages. We can often pick up tips and ideas we can incorporate to improve our own. Yesterday I read a blog by the wife of a footballer, talking about goals, not the goals scored in football although that did come into it a little, but setting goals in your life. Goal setting is something she said she learned from her husband who is big on the idea of goal setting. It gave me something to think about. Often when we get married we set goals … Continue reading

Declutter Your Marriage

When you move house it’s often a good time to declutter and get rid of things you no longer use. Deciding which things to get rid of is a hard decision. The obvious choices are things you have not used for years. For example you might decide to get rid of baby clothes and equipment when you have reached the end of childbearing. Some people I know have done this but then found themselves with a surprise pregnancy and had to restock. Once the kids have grown and left home you might decide to get rid of toys. Or you … Continue reading

Lifestyle Change

Last year Ms Weston of the tiny village of Cumnock NSW, Australia, came up with an initiative that saw city and interstate families radically change their lifestyle. Concerned about the decline in numbers at the local school she came up with a plan to convince people to move to the area. Her plan was to bring people into the area by offering cheap rental. $1 a week gets a family a farmhouse. It may have an inadequate kitchen and an outside toilet (or dunny as we’d call it in Aussie slang,) but despite the obvious drawbacks people snapped them up. … Continue reading

10 Tips When You’re Moving House

You know you’re moving, you’ve decided to put your house up for sale and followed some of the suggested guidelines on the previous blog, now what? Here are more guidelines to make it easier. 1. Decide whether you are going to use a real estate agent or try and sell privately. I admit we’ve only ever sold using an agent. Friends have sold privately and to me it sounded like a lot of hassle. I also see houses put up for sale privately that often then have to be out in an agent’s hands. 2. Make sure you factor all … Continue reading

8 Essentials When Moving House

Moving house with your spouse can be a frustrating time but it will go smoother of you take note of the suggestions on this checklist. 1. Make sure you and your spouse are in agreement about moving and where you want to move to. It sounds obvious but isn’t always the case. 2. Consider your financial situation, Decide what you can afford in house price or for rent and then stick to it or as close to it as possible. Don’t be tempted by houses far outside your price range. 3. Study the market so you know what a reasonable … Continue reading

Moving House

Moving house, I heard recently on the radio, can be as stressful as divorce or the death of a spouse. It can be a time of emotional upheavals, depending on how long you have been in the one place and how attached to it you are. But it doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. It can be a good opportunity to take stock in your life and in your marriage. We have moved a lot of in our marriage, the last being just over two years ago. It didn’t quite go according to our plan and there were times … Continue reading

God’s Call

Jesus tells a parable of the landowner who went out early in the morning to find laborers for his vineyard, Matthew 20:1. The landowner found some men waiting to be hired, agreed on a wage and sent them off to work in his field. The landowner saw there were not enough workers, so the same thing happened when he went back at the third hour, except this time he told the workers ‘whatever is right I will give you,’ verse 4. The workers were happy to work under these conditions. This was repeated this at the sixth and ninth hour … Continue reading

A Special Gift of Love

Sometimes the most special gifts of love can be time given over to do something for your spouse. This is what Mick has been up to lately. In our house we have a collection of 78s (For those younger one among you – these are the highly breakable records that came out many, many years ago) I’ve had this collection of 78s handed down from my mother. They’ve been packed and carefully moved from house to house each time we moved, and then carefully stored again, because I couldn’t bear to part with them. But the problem was they never … Continue reading