Meet The Teacher Night

School starts back next week and tonight we are going to meet the teachers. This is always an interesting day for our family. When you have a family that does not match there is usually some explaining to do. With our family we also have to tell the teachers the basics of seizure first aid just in case the boys have a seizure at school. Luckily that has not happened but it is better to be safe and informed than sorry and scared. We always explain to the teachers that the children have been adopted and that they all have … Continue reading

Racial Trends

OK let me start by saying that I by no means mean the following in any racial context. There are some trends that seem to follow racial lines. When I drive down the street I usually don’t see Caucasians with their pants so darn low that almost all of their underwear is showing. I do however see a lot of African American boys and adults even with their pants so low they can barely walk. I really do not understand the reasoning of this; don’t these people understand where that trend came from? It started in jail need I say … Continue reading

The Nerve of Some People

We have had total strangers come up to us and ask us why our middle son does not look like us. Sometimes we just walk away but I will admit I did have a little fun with it sometimes. If my children were not within ear shot I would come up with different replies for these nosey people. Some of the better replies I have come up with range from “I know he does not look like us but the hospital insist we took the correct baby home” or “ I know my husband looks like he is Caucasian but … Continue reading