Make Room for Those Who Don’t Multi-Task

We’ve got a lot to do in the course of the day. The average parent–whether partnered or single, has chores to do, work, a household to run, errands, family and friends, and all of the activities that go along with childhood–play dates, school, sports, dance, tutors–are you exhausted yet? I’m exhausted just starting to write this out! Some of us are fabulous multi-taskers and can actually feel energized with all this rushing and buzzing about–but not everyone likes to feel rushed. How can you keep things moving when you have a child (or two) who not only doesn’t like it, … Continue reading

The Multi-Tasking Single Parent—Involve Your Child in What You Need to Do

My kids are errand-running, task-helping professionals—I do not know if they would have had all the experiences they have had as my “right hand helpers” if I hadn’t been a single parent. My children have helped out with work projects (I’m not talking child labor here, just “helpers”), and we’ve cleaned closets, packed boxes, picked berries, you name it—together. Involving your child in the tasks and things that need to be done is one of the main ways a single parent can turn multi-tasking into quality parenting time too! The thing is, we cannot get a babysitter every time we … Continue reading

Creating Uninterrupted Time for Your Business

Multi-tasking is the name of the game for those of us who are raising families and operating our own home businesses. It is quite typical for us to have several things going on at once–an they are not necessarily compatible things. Even though multi-tasking might be typical, it is still important to carve out some uninterrupted time to focus and concentrate on tasks that need to be done. Some home business owners get up a couple hours earlier or stay up an hour or two late at night in order to have some uninterrupted time to work on business tasks. … Continue reading

Minimizing Interruptions

As the queen of the multi-taskers, I often don’t even realize I’m being interrupted until I get to the end of the day and it dawns on me I’ve had a scattered, unproductive, and inefficient day. Motherhood has trained me to be able to adjust to multiple interruptions, but this does not always make for a productive work day. With home-based businesses, we seem to be prone to coping with the interruption problem and it often becomes necessary for us to find a way to MINIMIZE interruptions. In order to minimize interruptions, it helps to first identify where the interruptions … Continue reading