Fall Planting

Now that the temperatures are bringing crisp mornings and gentle breezes, it is time to start thinking about incorporating fall colors into your home landscaping through flowers. There are a few reasons why fall plantings of flowers are important. First off, planting tender flowers that give a lot of color and curb appeal, but will fade by winter, is the true mark of a landscaping enthusiast. Second, newly planted fall flowers will enhance and play off of your existing landscaping, as your trees begin their wonderful display of fall foliage and berries in the bushes. Third, if your yard is … Continue reading

A Guide to Fall Mums

Mums are here. There is no other flower that really makes me think of the fall season. The colors of rusty orange, golden yellows and even green really stand out in the warm light of autumn. There are so many different types of mums. Which ones are right for your decorating? Here is a guide. When looking for mums, it is always exciting to seek out unusual ones with special shapes and colors. But if you are working with your local home improvement store or small nursery, you might be limited in your choices. There are four types of mums … Continue reading

Flowers: Nature’s Finest Jewelry

According to the Koran, bread feeds the body, but flowers feed the soul. Like diamonds, flowers are never necessary, even though I am sure Mae West would differ with that statement. Still, who would ever want to go through life without being surrounded by beautiful things? Flowers can be expensive but they can also be affordable and fall within almost any price range. Lilies of the valley and calla lilies may not be birds of paradise, but they do their job more than sufficiently and warm their surroundings with their splash of colors. One rule of thumb, which will help … Continue reading