Setting Up a Home Gym?

So you want to set up your own home gym. For a lot of us, the home gym is the ideal way to tackle our fitness and exercise needs. Frankly, the home gym is more accessible, we don’t have to worry about dues and for those of us with young children, we don’t have to worry about childcare. The problem with a home gym is what do you buy? How do you set it up? Do you spend two thousand dollars on a Bowflex? Another 1000 on a high end treadmill? And even more on a free weight system? What … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 19: Yoga & Flexibility

Good morning! Welcome to Thursday. How are you feeling today? Is the increased workout style too much? Is it enough? Do you want to improve the challenge? We are closing on the second third of the 30-day challenge. Today, instead of our normal cardio/flexibility training; I’d like you to give Yoga a shot. Whether you pick up a DVD of beginner’s yoga or have an opportunity to attend a yoga class; try to take advantage of it. Yoga provides a very well rounded whole body and mind workout. You will see your heart rate increase, you will feel more agile … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action! – The Method

On Saturday, I asked you to think about your goals and your goal planning so you can build your Action Plan for the Spring Forward 30 Day challenge. Today I want you to consider your method. I will be posting workouts for the month of April, one every day. The workouts will be Cardio, Strength Training and Flexibility. Each workout will be designed around a 30 minute time-frame. If you prefer to only do cardio, then you can choose to follow the cardio workout portions or do your own. Remember, the point of the action challenge is to get you … Continue reading

Yoga in Public School

My parents are British and I have spent a lot of time in England over the years. I have British cousins and I have often compared life in Britain to life here in the States. I like large portions of both and while I am indisputably American, I hold a great deal of respect for our British cousins and in my case, ancestry. A recent news piece from England discusses that in schools in the United Kingdom have a plan to introduce yoga and dance classes for their 10 to 11 year olds. The idea is to combat obesity and … Continue reading

Learning to relax (2)

Correct breathing is an essential part of learning to relax, so today we’ll look at how to recapture the way we all used to breathe as a matter of habit. Breathing plays a large part in the ability to relax because breathing has a psychological as well as a physiological effect on the body. Just as thoughts can change breathing patterns, so too can the way we breathe affect the way we think. Slow breathing promotes calm. Rapid breathing encourages overstimulation of the nervous system. Proper breathing can lower the metabolic rate and make us feel more relaxed. The slower … Continue reading

Cerebral Palsy: A Brief Overview

What is Cerebral Palsy (CP)? “Cerebral” refers to the brain, and “palsy” means muscle paralysis. In combination, they refer to a group of conditions where an individual’s ability to move is affected. A person with cerebral palsy may have muscle rigidity or muscle weakness, either of which could cause difficulty with walking, speaking, and fine motor skills such as writing. Individuals with CP often require a walker or wheelchair to get around. Sometimes mental retardation accompanies Cerebral Palsy. Approximately 2 to 3 children out of 1,000 have this condition. It is important to note that CP is not progressive. Although … Continue reading