Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake

It has always baffled me as to why there are not more chocolate breakfast recipes. I suppose it’s because it’s not good to admit to eating chocolate in the morning? But to me it only makes sense. Coffee and chocolate are natural compliments in flavor and they even say dark chocolate is healthy! So by that reasoning, you can have cake with chocolate in it in the morning and still call it a complete breakfast! Right?!? (Hey, if Cocoa Puffs is part of a complete breakfast then chocolate chip coffee cake is too!) This coffee cake is super easy to … Continue reading

Kids in the Kitchen: Coconut Cupcakes

Leave it to Rachel Ray to come up with a cupcake that is. . .”yummo”. . .but is frankly, a little complicated. None the less, I have decided that this one is so “yummo” I’m sharing it anyways. This is fun to do with your kids in the kitchen. After all who doesn’t love making something that has ‘fluff’ as an ingredient? I know. . .I know. . .I just said it was complicated and well, it is. (It doesn’t win any sneaky mama awards for being healthy either!) However, I promise that your budding pastry chefs will love stuffing … Continue reading

More Rhubarb Recipes

I just got back from yet another conference (this was the last one–I promise) to discover my husband had bought more rhubarb. It was on sale, and he knows I like it. Consequently, I have been ‘forced’, (the kind of ‘forced’ you are when you really, really want to do something but don’t want to seem too eager), to find more rhubarb recipes. Rhubarb, commonly also referred to as the ‘pie plant’ because it is so frequently used in pies, counts as a vegetable so if you have trouble getting your ‘5 a day’ in–you can always eat rhubarb pie. … Continue reading

A Muffin for Mother’s Day

This is a blog for dads. If you’re a mom you can’t read it. E-mail it to your husband or just print it (without looking at it) and leave it for him to find. (For my husband this would need to be left on the laptop or the remote control.) Again, moms: DO NOT READ THIS BLOG. So dads, now that we’ve gotten rid of the moms, let’s talk about breakfast on Mother’s Day morning. I’m not a huge breakfast in bed fan, (the grandeur is lost when I’m cleaning crumbs out of bed that evening) but I definitely appreciate … Continue reading

Week Night Menu: Pasta Pomodoro, and Stuffed Garlic Bread

It’s been awhile since my last menu, admittedly because I’ve been so busy, I haven’t had a chance to cook! So here is my most recent delish dish, to be completed with a Ceasar salad. If you’re new to the menu series in the food blog, the goal is to give one complete menu, that can be fixed during a week night. If you do the prep work the night before, putting the meal together shouldn’t take longer than 30 minutes! Pasta Pomodoro is a perfect summer dish because it is made with fresh ingredients and is intended to be … Continue reading

Twice Delicious: Pot Roast Cheese Steaks

Twice Delicious is a series of recipes dedicated to what I do with my leftovers. I rarely have leftovers except from my crock pot. But I have found that I can’t possibly consider simply reheating the leftovers and serving them to my family as is. That would be akin to offering nothing but bread and water. In fact, I have a child who would opt for bread and water rather than leftovers! Not only would it mean they’d have to eat the same thing twice in a row (apparently that’s forbidden–I wish someone had told me earlier in motherhood!); but … Continue reading

Rhubarb Mallow Cobbler

I love it when rhubarb is in season. It is one of my favorite fruits to cook with. I always buy it fresh because I think that the tartness of the fresh fruit really comes through with fuller flavor than when you buy it frozen, however any of the recipes below can use frozen rhubarb as well. When using frozen rhubarb, measure it frozen and then let it thaw completely before adding it to the recipe. Drain the rhubarb but there is no need to press the liquid out. Fresh rhubarb is generally available from early winter to early summer. … Continue reading

The Sneaky Mama’s Hot Breakfast on a Cold Morning: Pumpkin Oatmeal

I have mentioned before how the Sneaky Mama loves baked oatmeal. It is a great way to get your kids to eat oatmeal and oatmeal is packed with oodles of nutritional gems. This morning it is rather cold and rainy and so, as you may have guessed by now, we are having oatmeal. But in our house, if I make plain oatmeal I might as well make it and then throw it on the floor because certainly, that’s what my children will be doing! (Well, at least the toddlers. . .the older ones do know a little better. . .) … Continue reading

Stuffed Hamburgers

I don’t know why but I’m a big fan of homemade grilled hamburgers. I know it’s a lot easier to buy the pretty little pre-formed, already made hamburgers in the frozen section but it just doesn’t taste the same to me. Last summer I saw a recipe for stuffed beef patties and that was all the inspiration I needed. Not only do my hamburgers have to be homemade now. . .but they have to be stuffed as well. My husband says I’m getting way too picky. . .but then again, he always asks for seconds. Making hamburgers from scratch is … Continue reading

Pasta Primavera with Shrimp

Recipes using shrimp, while definitely not the healthiest of meals, are one of our favorite types of dishes. Shrimp does have a lot of calcium, and protein but is low in food energy and is a significant source of cholesterol. However, if you want to indulge anyways, here is a pasta and shrimp recipe that is worth doubling because you’ll want the leftovers! You will need: 1 pound of linguine 1 pound uncooked shrimp (peeled and deveined) 2 cups fresh broccoli, chopped 1 cup sliced fresh carrots 1 cup fresh green beans; cut into 2 inch pieces 1 medium zuchini … Continue reading