Homemade Italian Vegetable Hamburger Casserole

A few people in the forums have been asking for a good vegetable dish. I realize that my title says this is a hamburger dish. We did in fact use hamburger in our variation however, you don’t have to. This dish is good enough to stand on its own without any hamburger in it, transforming it easily into a vegetarian dish. It is substantially healthier than store bought hamburger helper because you’re using real ingredients. Because you’re using real ingredients rather than processed powdered stuff. . .it’s healthier too! I hope you enjoy! By the way, for those of you … Continue reading

When Cake is Good for Breakfast–Citrus Breakfast Cake

Cake in our house is a Sunday morning treat. I find that between trying to find all the kids’ Sunday school folders, and getting everyone dressed and looking presentable for church, having something easy for breakfast is a big help. Enter the Bundt cake. A Bundt cake is called so because it is made in a Bundt pan or a pan with a tube in the middle and fluted or decorated edges. The Bundt pan was originally made in response to a group of Jewish women who wanted an aluminum pan in which to bake kugel. The inventor, H. David … Continue reading

What Are You Going to Do With All That Apple Butter?

Yesterday, I gave you a recipe for how to make apple butter in the crock pot. It is a long process, but is well worth the effort as the apple butter in my opinion tastes better when it’s fresh. (I’m not sure what doesn’t taste better when it’s fresh and made from scratch.) This recipe makes quite a large quantity of apple butter so for weeks on end you can now enjoy toast with apple butter! Actually, apple butter makes a good condiment for chicken or pork chops for your little picky eater. Or, you can make my absolutely delicious … Continue reading

My Recipe Collection Has Taken Over the Kitchen

I have a confession: I collect recipes. Some people like stamps, some people like dolls. . .me, I like recipes. I’ve been collecting recipes for over 10 years (since I’ve gotten married) and well, let’s just say they were in need of some serious organization. I also collect cookbooks but I have a rule that if I haven’t used it at least once a year. . .it goes out to the trash. Since I can’t stand to loose a cook book, I make a point to cook from each one at least once a year. But I digress. Getting Started … Continue reading