Nail Biting–Do You Battle or Cope?

I know for a fact that not every child is a nail biter because of my three kids; one of them has never bitten his nails. This is an incredibly common “bad habit,” however, and one that some parents fight hard to combat. But, can you as a parent actually stop a child from biting his or her nails or is it just something they will need to outgrow? There have been times when I haven’t wondered that nail biting is some sort of natural human/mammal behavior that just hasn’t been bred out of us yet with evolution. I’m sure … Continue reading

Falling Off The Fingernail Bandwagon

Time to confess defeat. I thought I’d triumphed over my lifelong nail biting habit, but I’ve fallen off the nice nails wagon. In one afternoon, I chewed away several months’ worth of nail growing progress and am back to square one. It’s my own fault, really. I’d been doing so well because I’d take the time to shape and paint my nails every few days. When my nails were pretty and colorful, I didn’t bite them. But I stripped off the polish without repainting them, and BOOM. No more nails. I hardly noticed I was doing it, at first. Then … Continue reading

How I Stopped Biting My Nails (a work in progress)

I’ve been a nail biter for longer than I can remember. When I was younger, my grandfather used to try to bribe me to stop — at first, he offered me twenty dollars if I could stop biting my nails for just a month. Before he gave up, the bribe was up to two hundred dollars for just a month of not biting my nails. And still… I couldn’t do it. I’ve tried to stop on many occasions. But nail nibbling is a long-ingrained habit. Just wanting to stop isn’t enough for me. As soon as I stop paying attention, … Continue reading

Nail Biting

Whatever you do, don’t look at my hands. I’ve been a nail biter all my life. I have tried to stop… I’ve managed to stop for a few weeks or even a few months… but one slip, and I’m back to chewing my nails all the way up to my elbows. When I was younger, my grandfather tried desperately to bribe me. At one point, the offer was up to two hundred dollars if I could stop biting for a month. I couldn’t do it. And I’ve tried those bad tasting liquids. They sure do taste awful… but once you … Continue reading