Baby-Friendly Nail Polish

Fashion has gone a bit by the wayside since my daughter was born. My former beauty routine is becoming a distant memory. Put on a full face of makeup? I’m lucky if my face is washed before going out of the house. Curl my hair? It’s a rare morning that it’s even blow-dried. Whiten my teeth? Let’s be realistic; my daily goal is to brush my teeth before lunchtime. And yet, some days I miraculously find the time to look almost normal. I look in the mirror and realize I somewhat resemble my pre-baby self. It’s on these days that … Continue reading

Thoughts on Pink Poodles

I was on my way home from work at the cats only boarding facility the other day when I saw a young-ish (maybe in his early twenties) guy walking two dogs. One was a big goofy lab-type dog; the other was a shaggy little white dog that probably had poodle in her ancestry. What caught my eye was that the little white dog had bright pink spots on the top of her head and the tip of her tail. It took me a while to decide that I thought it was cute and relatively harmless. Why the dilemma? Well, I’m … Continue reading

Fingernail Mistakes Quiz

Are you good to your nails? Ask yourself these four questions: Do you file your nails using a back and forth motion? Do you use an acetone based nail polish remover? Do you cut your cuticles? Do you use nail polish that you purchased before 2007? If you answered YES to any of these questions, you’re making a fingernail mistake. Read on to see what you can do to protect your nails: Filing your nails using a back and forth motion actually weakens nails and can cause them to split. Use a soft emery board and file in one direction … Continue reading

Fashion Corner: Teacher-Loving Designer and Other Hot Trends

New York Fashion Week has unveiled a ton of eye-popping designs over the past few days, but one that is not getting nearly enough press (in my opinion) is an accessory we (ladies) typically don’t leave home without—our handbag. Enter Zac Posen. The fashion designer to the stars has recently teamed up with DHL to create a limited edition handbag. But, this is not your typical leather body, two-strap wonder. It is an ultra-glam, red and yellow tote. And, the profits from the bag don’t go to line Posen’s pockets. Rather, the designer is donating proceeds from the purse to … Continue reading

Pigtails and Toenails

It all started innocently enough. Last year, by the pool, my then seven-year old cousin took to prettying-up the adults’ toenails with non-toxic water paints as we relaxed around my parent’s backyard, by the in-ground pool, working on our collective sunburn. She took care of everyone, boys too. My dad sported a pale yellow, I was granted a lovely purple and my brother (her dad) a pleasant pink. My gal, then two, was the recipient of an orange and green combo. Over a year later, the novelty of having a vibrant color (or two) stare up at her has still … Continue reading

Use Nail Polish Everywhere

With the trends and fashions changing daily, those bottles of nail polish might be obsolete before you can spread a second coat. However, if you find yourself with bottles of nail polish that might not be your color, or be fashionable anymore, there are dozens of ways you can use the rest of the polish in the bottle. Remote Control – Use glow in the dark nail polish to light up frequently pressed remote control buttons. This way when you want to change the channel or turn the volume up, and you’re in the dark, you can see it! Paint … Continue reading