Renters Insurance

A Renters insurance policy typically covers the policyholders personal property from loss of certain perils such as fire, lightning, hail, windstorm, explosion, vandalism, theft and riots, as well as other risks outlined in the policy form. Renters Insurance policies also add liability coverage any damage the insured policyholder or dependents might cause to another person. Generally most Renters policies include provisions for additional living expenses, or loss-of-use when a renter is forced to move during times when the dwelling is under repair. When someone rents an apartment or private dwelling or purchases a condominium, Insurance for the renter and their … Continue reading

More Holiday Grinches

Okay, it’s official—there are multiple grinches on the loose out there. In previous blogs I told you about the weirdo who stole a baby Jesus statute from a resident’s nativity set and replaced it with a can of beer and the wackos who tried to set fire to a giant straw goat–central Sweden’s official Christmas monument—but were foiled because it had been soaked with flame-resistant chemicals. Now, closer to home (within driving distance of my own backyard) some scrooge is chopping down Christmas trees in people’s yards. It’s hard to believe, but according to police, residents in Wisconsin are going … Continue reading

One States Effort to Control Insurance Credit Scoring

Insurance companies have been using Insurance Credit Scores for several years now. This information has been used in a variety of ways to underwrite and rate insurance products offered to the public. As a result consumer groups and states have expressed concern as to how Insurance Credit Scores are being used and what protections consumers should expect. A number of states have passed a variety of laws and restrictions on Insurance companies and how they use the Insurance Credit Score information. It would be impossible for me to keep track of the changes in every state but, this is some … Continue reading

Military Housing: Renter’s Insurance, Part II

When you look at the items in your home, some of which you may have had for many years and dragged around the country or the world with you, you may not realize the overall value of your belongings. On the other hand, you may have some very nice pieces or heirlooms that are quite valuable as well. Whatever the case may be, renter’s insurance can help you avoid serious financial problems and devastating losses if the worst should occur. Fire, dangerous weather, leaks and other malfunctions, as well as many other problems can damage or destroy your belongings. Having … Continue reading

Military Housing: Do I need Renter’s Insurance?

Whether you live in military housing owned by the government or another type of temporary rental, you should at least consider renter’s insurance. Even though the government does provide some coverage over most of its housing that coverage is usually limited, even for officers. For other types of temporary housing, the property owner’s coverage most likely only covers personal liability and repair, mortgage payoff, or repair or replacement of the building in case of emergency or disaster. In either case, most or all of your personal belongings may not be fully covered if you do not have renter’s insurance. It … Continue reading

Five Tips for Buying a Mobile Home

Have you ever considered buying a mobile home? Many families live in mobile or pre-fabricated homes and some people choose them as second homes or vacation homes. Mobile homes have really evolved over the years and no longer have that “trailer” feel. Most are quite well built and very attractive, with the additional benefit of costing less per square foot than traditional homes. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you decide to purchase a mobile home: 1. Make sure that delivery, set up, leveling, and the application of skirting are all included in the purchase price and … Continue reading

Top 10 Trees Birds Love

Nothing makes my 2-year-old daughter happier than waking up and seeing a family of birds enjoying breakfast at our “Birdie Café.” Our neighbors have two birdfeeders hanging in their tree and each morning my daughter would ask why the birds flocked to their tree and not ours. A short time later I broke down and bought a very simple birdfeeder. I remember thinking that I would buy the birdfeeder, stick it in a tree and presto—instant bird magnet and subsequent happy toddler. It wasn’t that easy. It actually took a while before the bird’s “graced” us with their presence. Later … Continue reading

Is Your Engagement Ring Insured?

Most people are surprised to learn homeowner’s and renter’s insurance policies don’t offer full coverage for their engagement rings or other fine jewelry. The standard homeowner or renter insurance policy usually covers jewelry theft, but not other kinds of loss. Homeowner and renter policies typically have limits for loss of some types of personal property, jewelry is one of them. The standard homeowner policy will have a set maximum limit and will usually only cover theft. If the value of jewelry exceeds coverage limits, you need to make some choices on how to manage the other risks. If you have … Continue reading

Insurance Discount Check Up

Did you recently turn 25, just get married, or move closer to work? Does your teenager have excellent grades? Have you gone five years without getting any tickets or filing any claims? All of the above as well as many other particulars may entitle you to discounts on your auto insurance premiums. Check with your insurance agent regularly to make sure you are receiving every applicable discount. You may end up saving a great deal of money by finding discounts that you didn’t even know were available to you. If you are unsure which discounts you are receiving (if any), … Continue reading

Activist Julia “Butterfly” Hill

“Those things of real worth in life are worth going to any length in love and respect to safeguard.” – Julia Butterfly Hill I did not know who Julia “Butterfly” Hill was until I saw the documentary Butterfly. Recently, she has been in the news with actress Daryl Hannah and singer Joan Baez for tree sitting. They were tree sitting to protest the sale of the 14-acre South Central Community Garden, which would then be torn down and replaced with a warehouse. Sheriff Deputies recently evicted all activists from the trees. Julie “Butterfly” Hill is most famous for another tree-sitting … Continue reading