Is Your Boss a Psychopath?

He or she might not actually murder you, but they will stab you in the back when you least expect it. Corporate psychopaths, as they are known in business circles, are on the increase, and although not technically psychopaths, are certainly responsible for extreme stress levels in the workplace. Perhaps you work for one. Although most of these people would be classified as suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the term “corporate psychopath” has caught on. As with any narcissist, the corporate psychopath can be charming and gregarious, but it’s all superficial and used to project an image. There is an … Continue reading

Dealing with a Narcissistic Family Member

In previous blogs on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, we looked at common behavioral patterns of the clinical narcissist as well as the diagnostic criteria required to be diagnosed with this disorder. Today we look at a case study of what it means to live with a person experiencing from this condition. People who suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder seldom seek treatment as they do not consider that there is anything wrong with them. Particularly in their early life, they experience little emotional pain as they are so caught up with their own lives, thoughts, plans, and actions that little else can … Continue reading

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

David is an intelligent and successful financial planner who threw in a lucrative job to become a full-time author. Even having a short conversation with David leaves the listener with the impression that David thinks very highly of himself. In fact, a conversation with David is not so much a conversation as a monologue—David likes to talk about David and quickly steers any diversions in the conversation back to himself. Naturally, David believes himself to be an excellent writer and the fact that no publishing company has taken up any of his manuscripts does not seem to dent David’s all-encompassing … Continue reading