Week in Review: Choice to Children

This week I took some focus on various topics such as the freedoms we are given by God, the role model a father can be to his children, I shared what I believe to be a Biblical perspective of being narrow-minded, growing up in spiritually, and lessons we can learn from children. One of the most difficult questions to answer is why does God allow bad things to happen? In my Freedom of Choice blog I share what I believe to be the answer. I believe God’s will was/is always good for our life. I believe it’s mankind that has … Continue reading

What Does It Mean To Be Narrow Minded?

Hmm, I think this depends on who you ask and how exactly they define narrow mindedness. I think secular society considers the narrow minded to be those who refuse to believe or accept points of view other than their own. They may also see those who are “narrow minded” as socially intolerant and self-righteous. Assuming my generalization of narrow mindedness is fairly accurate, I’d like to address some of these points. First off, is it really wrong to have a set belief? Is it wrong to have faith in what your religion says to be true? If it is, aside … Continue reading