How Water Helped Me Achieve a Natural Childbirth

I was able to have a natural childbirth experience with my first child. Though my labor lasted about fourteen hours, I never felt as though the pain was unbearable or that I needed any medication to take off the edge of the contractions. However, labor with my second child was a different story. Almost from the start, labor seemed more intense and painful than my first one had been. I was in for my check up the afternoon I went into labor and my doctor told me that I was already four centimeters dilated. I was so excited and thought … Continue reading

What Is “Attachment Parenting”?

Maybe you’ve heard the term “Attachment Parenting” but haven’t really known what that meant? Maybe you are an “Attachment Parent” and never even knew it! Attachment Parenting is a term coined in recent years by Dr. William Sears, MD to describe specific parenting techniques that, when used together, are said to promote attachment and bonding between parent and child. Other terms for Attachment Parenting might be child-led parenting or instinctive parenting. So what exactly are these parenting techniques? They can vary but most people agree that Attachment Parenting encompasses most of the following: Proactive participation in the pregnancy and birth … Continue reading