Be a Friend To Your Fridge

Your refrigerator works for you 24/7 without complaining, asking for a raise or even getting a wink of sleep. The least you can do is take care for it and appeal to its sense of vanity or self-respect. How can you do this, you ask, reaching for a slice of leftover whatever. Well, here are a few chilling thoughts to consider. How can you keep your fridge fresh? By wiping periodically with a vinegar-moistened cloth, the inside of your fridge will shine. This is also a good way to prevent the build-up of mildew and her brother, mold. If you … Continue reading

Keeping a Prayer Journal

Keeping a prayer journal can be a great aid in building your faith. Journaling your prayers is so helpful in keeping track of what you have prayed for as well as serving to remind you of prayer needs as they arise. The journal can become a wonderful recorded testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness in your life as prayer requests become answered. Keeping a prayer journal doesn’t just help keep track of prayer requests but serves as a testimony of your progressing walk with the Lord. Every now and then I’ll look back at my older writings. Sometimes I’m able to … Continue reading