“I’ve Given my Child the Family Illness!” (2)

In “I’ve Given my Child the Family Illness!” we looked at the role both genes and the environment play in determining whether a mental illness will be expressed in any given individual. Today we will look at how to cope with the guilt that some parents feel when they learn that a son or daughter has inherited a “family illness.” As previously discussed, it can be a natural reaction to blame yourself for the appearance of depression, anxiety, bipolar or any of the host of mental or physical disorders that have plagued humans for thousands of years. In dealing with … Continue reading

“I’ve Given my Child The Family Illness!” (1)

I often have parents come to me with tears, fears and truckloads of guilt that they have passed on a mental disorder to one or more of their children. “There’s a history of depression in my family, now I’ve passed it on to my son!” Or, “I have chronic anxiety and I can see it starting up in my little girl! It’s my fault; I’ve given it to her!” While it is only natural to take the blame for passing on what you see as a family trait, it is not realistic to beat yourself up about it. Mental illness … Continue reading