What Do You Need? Part 2

Yesterday we looked at what we need as against what we want and how Jesus always had his priorities right. The crowd as well as the paralytic man must have been in shock when Jesus said, ‘My son, your sins are forgiven,’ Mark 2:5. Certainly the scribes were taken aback by this, Mark 2: 6-7. People don’t like being told they are sinners. We like to think we’re as good as the next person and better than some. We’re nice people. After all we don’t murder, or steal or do anything really wrong. Sometimes even Christian leaders shy away from … Continue reading

What Do You Need?

In these days of economic recession, it’s time for us to take stock and think about what we really need. The other day I saw some T-shirts advertised cheap. When I went in they were sold out but they did have lots of lovely blouses at reduced prices. ‘Why don’t you buy one?’ my husband said when he saw me looking at them. ‘Because I don’t need them.’ I needed a cheap T-shirt to wear to tennis. I didn’t need pretty blouses to wear out, though I have to admit it was tempting. It’s so easy to get caught up … Continue reading