Autumn and “Nesting”

I usually hear “nesting” as a term that applies just to pregnant, expecting moms—“nesting” used to explain that urge many expectant women feel to clean, organize and decorate their homes. I think, however, that we families (moms, dads, and kids too) feel compelled to nest at different times—not just while waiting for the birth of a baby. If spring is considered the time of year when we clean things up and air things out to move our lives outside, then I think that autumn is the time of year we snuggle in, snuggle up and nest… I am not as … Continue reading

Getting Organized for Baby

Pregnancy is the perfect time to organize your house, especially if this is your first baby. Once the baby is born, you won’t have the time or the energy to clean out the closet in the foyer. When I was pregnant with my first baby, I had delusions of life after baby. I imagined my little princess sleeping peacefully while I organized the closets and created beautiful scrapbooks in her honor. Well, reality turned out to be nothing like I had imagined. It turned out that her naps were short and sweet. She preferred to nap in the comfort of … Continue reading

Do Adoptive Parents Nest?

I’ve heard the question asked before: do adoptive parents nest? I have wondered it myself, but now I am seeing it. I don’t have a due date like someone who is pregnant, but some part of me knows that the time for my child to arrive is getting closer and I am preparing. It started with a general need to get things tidy. I started cleaning off surfaces and became obsessive about where things went. Then came the need to get rid of things. I started de-cluttering like crazy. My poor husband quickly realized that if he didn’t lay claim … Continue reading