Our First EEG

So we have had our 3 year old son up all night, actually he did get to sleep two hours, and we are headed to have our son tested for epilepsy. This is a whole new area for us, we have only been parents for a few months and now we are having one of the kids test for epilepsy. It is very scary for us to walk into having my oldest son tested for epilepsy. I honestly did not know what the testing would be like and for me it was scary I cannot even imagine it from the … Continue reading

Does My Son Have Epilepsy?

My oldest son came to be ours when he was three years old, he had been in foster care for a year before him and his brother joined our family. When he came home we knew there would be an adjustment time for him especially because he is the oldest. He barely knew us and we barely knew him, yet here we are a brand new family. We noticed that he would start staring off and we thought it was just him being a normal toddler, spacing out and ignoring his parents. We never realized that this zoning out could … Continue reading