Why Some People Never Marry

Yesterday I detailed my opinion of the pros and cons of remaining single. In today’s article, I will discuss why I believe that some people stay single and never marry. Why People Never Marry Reason #1 No True Love Some people never find what they believe is their true love. They would like to get married but just have not found that special someone. There could be various reasons why the right person has not come along. It may be that the expectations are too high. Some people are very self involved and are not willing to give in a … Continue reading

The People that Never Marry

I never thought any different than getting married and having children. It was just something that I knew that I would do. However, some people do not have this same perspective on life. I have a couple of friends that are not married and they are nowhere near marriage in the future. Neither one dates and they both are living their lives single and happy (at least they say that they are). Both women are often set-up or encouraged to date someone. However, they both seem content with their career and being by themselves. Neither woman is living a wild … Continue reading