
Ideas held for years can turn out to be wrong. Parents and what they taught us can be wrong, as I discovered this week. All the time I was growing up, I always knew a plant most people call Agapanthus, as Star of Bethlehem. That’s what my mother told me it was. Since she was an avid gardener, I never doubted what she said was true. Then, recently while reading Playing with Water, a story of a garden, the author mentioned this Star of Bethlehem. (Ornithogalum umbellatum.) From her description it sounded nothing like the plant I knew. Curious, I … Continue reading

Struggling to Focus

If you are anything like me you may struggle time to time with keeping focus during worship to God. I am not sure what it is, but sometimes my mind really gets to wandering and the next thing I know I am not thinking about what I am singing or reading or listening to, but rather what I am going to eat for lunch, the afternoon baseball game (yes, I am a baseball fan), or how long of a nap I might get that afternoon. I absolutely hate that I allow my mind wander and it is one of the … Continue reading

From the Standpoint of the Bible

If you are a frequent reader of the blogs I write for Families.com, you have probably noticed that I spend a good majority of the time writing about the Word of God. In fact, I would probably say that 90% of my writing deals with the Word of God, or approaches the subject matter from a Biblical perspective. I am of the very strong belief it is impossible to know the Lord without knowing His Word. I want to look at everything in my life from the standpoint of the Bible. Below I have listed just a few of the … Continue reading

10,000 Words & 10,000 Steps – A New Definition of Physical Education

I was reading about a new educational program being put into practice at a few schools on the West Coast and I think it’s a great idea. I already plan to write to my local school district and suggest it as an idea that could be implemented at our schools here. The program is referred to as 10,000 words; 10,000 steps. So what is 10,000 Words & 10,000 Steps? You may have heard of the 10,000 step program that encourages you to increase the number of steps that you take every day until you are walking on average of 10,000 … Continue reading