Things You May Need for Your New Home

Moving into a new home or just finding yourself in need of a few things around the house? Here is a list of items that you will probably need after you close on your home. Window treatments The law varies by state as to the state of the window treatments. Some states require them to be left with the house, other states require them to be left if they are mounted or custom (venetian blinds and shutters count, curtains do not). Then again, even if they are included, you may not agree with the style. Sun and Snow Two big … Continue reading

The New Small House

Gone are visions of McMansions and large impressive houses with top of the line amenities. Instead, buyers and builders are looking toward smaller homes with tighter floor plans in an effort to bring home ownership and sales in line with the economy. Typical new homes during the boom were along the lines of 3,400 square feet and featured expensive amenities such as Tuscan style kitchens with granite countertops and top-of-the-line stainless steal appliances, archive rooms, media rooms, etc. Today, builders of new homes say that they typically switched to putting in 2,400 square foot homes that may be more affordable … Continue reading

Downsizing Hollywood Style

Of course, “downsizing” is relative when you’re talking about people who drop $500 a day so their dog can get a massage. So when you see headlines screaming: “Candy Spelling is Scaling Back” don’t get ready to hand over your hanky just yet. The bazillionaire widow of TV mogul Aaron Spelling and the mother of reality TV star Tori Spelling is selling her world-famous 56,500 square foot Holmby Hills estate (better known as Los Angeles County’s largest home) and moving into a paltry 16,500 square foot penthouse. According to the Los Angeles Times, Spelling just shelled out $47 million of … Continue reading

French Connection

Madonna is mad, and apparently you don’t want to see Madonna mad. Just ask the staff at the ultra swanky Carlton Intercontinental Hotel in Cannes, France. That’s where the Material Girl has been camping out for the last week while in town for the Cannes International Film Festival. According to French newspapers, the pop super duper star was irate when she discovered that a camera crew from a French television station snuck into her suite while she was out whooping it up at a late night party. The paper claims that Madonna was furious when footage of her hotel room … Continue reading

Introducing Myself: Coming Home

Home. There are so many things packed into that small word. Family, warmth, security, frustration, pride, bills, hope, work, creativity, love and a place to hang your hat. The home is the heart of a family, no matter whether it is a one room apartment or a 100,000 square foot castle. There are so many images, so many memories associates with the home, and that is why I am excited, awed and humbled by the opportunity to be one of the bloggers here on the Home Blog at Sherry has been bring us some amazing articles, and I’ll be … Continue reading

Some Decorating Tips for New Homes and Temporary Residences

Don’t have much money left for artwork after purchasing a new home? Afraid to hang anything on the walls lest you’ll be forced to spend hours patching holes when moving from a temporary residence or rental? Try some of these ideas: Glossy magazines, books, and calendars often contain great photos and other images that can be used as artwork. Add some glitz to an inexpensive frame with a quick coat of shiny paint and frame a great picture from an old calendar, coffee table book, or magazine. Art magazines are also great sources for prints. This idea also works well … Continue reading

Hanging Clothes on Trees

What happens when you inherit a dryer from the 1930’s? Read on to find out how in one fell swoop I did my laundry and created some unique landscaping. Moving into our new home has been an adventure. From living without water for three days to finding enough dirt on the kitchen floor to fill the cat’s’ litter-box, we have been feeling somewhat like the cast of Lost if they had found themselves in a rural part of Pennsylvania. As soon as usable water was restored to the house, it was time to do laundry. The washer was a nice … Continue reading

Your New Home: A Few Decorating Tips

Moving into a new home is so exciting. You get a fresh start in making a house into the perfect, cozy home for you and your family. While there are too many positive things to about moving into a new home to list them all here, one minor drawback might be not having the money to buy all the new furnishings and accessories you’d like to have as you begin decorating. That’s okay. There are some tips you can use to fill in those empty spaces and help your new home look a little more lived in. Go Green First, … Continue reading

A New Home: Something to Celebrate

My brother in law and his wife invited us to their new home to watch the Super Bowl. Don’t ask about the game, because I don’t want to talk about it. I’m too depressed! Anyway, it was great to get out and I was thrilled to see their home. I’m really close to my brother in law and love him like a little brother. His wife is great too. They are now officially first time homeowners and I couldn’t be happier for them. Their home is on ten acres with a huge pond, which makes a gorgeous view from the … Continue reading

Should Couples Host Housewarming Parties?

If you’re newly married and recently moved into your home or even if you’ve been married for a while and recently purchased a home, having a housewarming party is a nice idea. Friends and family will be curious about your new home, so invite them over and show it off. Some guests will bring gifts, although newlyweds are likely to receive fewer items, since wedding gifts were recently given. Be sure those wedding gifts are in plain view when guests arrive. If you don’t want gifts, but simply want people to visit to see your new home, indicate this on … Continue reading