Expand Your Horizons

Perhaps I started thinking about writing about expanding our horizons as another way of talking about that worn-out cliché, “think outside the box”—but I think it is more than that when it comes to our home businesses—we need to make sure we continue to stretch ourselves, and stretch our marketing and networking nets far and wide, in order to keep our businesses growing and thriving. It isn’t just about finding new ideas or trying to problem-solve in creative ways, but we have to actually stretch ourselves and our businesses in order to continue to attract new clients, customers and prospects. … Continue reading

Stay Open to New Insight

I think I know my children pretty darn well. As a matter of fact, I do not think it is bragging to confess that sometimes I know what they are doing (and why) before they do. But, the truth is, I certainly do not know it all and by remaining open to new information and new insight, I can adjust as my children grow and change. There is something to be said for personality, but none of us stays the same. Part of me would love it if my children would stay put for a while—especially after I work so … Continue reading

Strip It to Get Fit? I Don’t See It

Yes, this is a title about stripping to get fit. No, I am not talking about heading to a seedy part of town or into what is rather euphemistically labeled as a gentleman’s club. I am talking about one of the latest trends in the fitness world. I’m sure you’ve seen the ads or at least seen the DVDs. I’ve seen them in several places – including family shopping stores like Walmart. Yes, I’m talking about the strip tease fitness craze; for those of you have not heard of it – as much as I wish this was a Friday … Continue reading