The Marriage Blog Week in Review October 28-November 3rd

Last Week’s New Jersey Supreme Court ruling played a major ripple effect on our articles for this week and even as we got ready for Halloween and recovered from it, the November elections and vote loomed ahead. Several states will make their decisions on new marriage laws, politicians and more. If that were not enough for you, we have the holidays looming ahead of us and that can have a dramatic impact on our marriages and our family lives. So without further ado, here is our Marriage Blog week in review: Saturday, October 28 In Marriage in the News: I … Continue reading

The Marriage Week in Review October 21-27

This was a great week here in the Marriage blog and as always; it’s a pleasure to share the challenge of bringing you marriage news and information with Sherry. Our guest blogger this week was Catherine Ipizcade and I suggest you check out her blogs on celebrating her marriage as well as bridal shower tips. For Sherry and I, the biggest challenge came at the end of the week as the New Jersey Supreme Court handed down their decision on Same-Sex unions. While Sherry and I often come down on opposite sides of this issue, we believe in healthy and … Continue reading

Marriage in the News: New Jersey Supreme Court Recognizes Same-Sex Unions

Sherry dropped me a note this morning and wanted to know if this slipped past my radar – and it almost did. I hadn’t gone through my news clips to read the decision reached by the New Jersey Supreme Court. As many who read my blogs may know, I fully support the right of every individual to make a marriage whether they are same-sex or not. This is an issue that’s been of ripe debate throughout the country and everyone has an opinion. Well today, so does the New Jersey Supreme Court. “Although we cannot find that a fundamental right … Continue reading