New Jersey, Marriage, Rights, and Effects

Like you didn’t see this one coming… Since the New Jersey Supreme Court clearly (and correctly) stated that it found no fundamental right to gay marriage, it is rather curious that the Court would still demand that same sex couples be included in existing marriage laws or be given the same benefits as married couples through new legislation. If there is no fundamental right, how can the Court force the legislature to create a special statutory right that includes marriage benefits? Make no mistake; the New Jersey Supreme Court is indeed an activist court. While it may technically sidestep violating … Continue reading

New Jersey Supreme Court Ruling on Same Sex Marriage

The same sex marriage debate is being decided in New Jersey. A case came before the New Jersey Supreme Court yesterday, and ironically, some people on either side of the debate see the ruling as both a victory as well as a disappointment. How does that work? Let’s look at what the Court ruled. The state Supreme Court, correctly, could not find a fundamental right for same sex marriage. However, it did find that gay couples should have the same rights and benefits extended to married couples. What does this mean? It means that although the argument over certain rights … Continue reading

Britney And Baseball?

You’ve heard of “Bobble Head Day” at the ballpark where the first 1000 or so entrants receive a bobble head doll. Well, then you probably won’t be surprised to hear about “Britney Spears Baby Safety Night.” It’s a slightly less lighthearted event and you don’t get to leave with a doll that sports an oversized head. But, that didn’t stop the Newark Bears, a New Jersey based minor league baseball team, from hosting a “Britney Spears Baby Safety Night” on Friday. The event was designed to educate people on the proper way to transport infants in vehicles. The inspiration: the … Continue reading

Summers at the Shore

My dad grew up in New Jersey, the middle child in a family of eleven children. While all of his siblings married and remained on the East Coast my dad married and moved to Hawaii. Gone, but not forgotten. Each summer my parents would take me (and my three brothers) back East to visit family… and much of that time was spent at the Jersey Shore. (Specifically, Seaside Heights and Point Pleasant, New Jersey.) Seaside Heights, New Jersey is a popular shore community of 3,100 year-round residents, but in the summer the population swells to more than 30,000. Its close … Continue reading