Taking Stock of 2007

It’s that time of year for reflection and resolution making. Last year in New Year, New Resolutions I detailed my goals for both the Pets Blog and animal/pet related personal goals. Now it’s time to see how I did. Pets Blog Goals These were my goals: • To continue promoting the importance of being kind, considerate, and compassionate to the animals we share this Earth with. • To feature more organizations dedicated to animals, be they ones helping animals or training animals to help others. • To feature pet friendly activities that the whole family can enjoy. • To emphasize … Continue reading

Don’t Fall into the Gym Membership Trap!

Do you realize how many well-meaning Americans with great intentions join a gym during the first week in January? Before this pregnancy, I was going to the gym every Monday through Friday throughout the year (after having a gastric bypass in 2001, I’m pretty motivated to not go back to my pre-surgery body). Most of the time, the machines at the Bally Total Fitness where I work out are pretty easy to get to. There are loads and loads of treadmills, bikes and elliptical trainers as well as several series of circuit training machines and loads of free weights. No … Continue reading

Start Saving for your Kid’s College Education NOW!

I have a New Year’s resolution for you to start 2008 off right. Vow to begin a college savings plan for your kids and add as much or as little as you can each month starting next year and beyond. It doesn’t even matter if all you have to save is $25 a month or $1000. Save what you can and get started. The sooner you begin investing, the further your savings will go. The less money you have to set aside for your kids, the sooner you need to start. Money saved when your children are young… less than … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Marriage

It is coming very close to the time of year when people begin to make promises to themselves. Most of these promises are broken within a few months. These promises that I am referring to are of course New Year’s resolutions. Most New Year’s resolutions involve losing weight, eating healthier, quitting smoking, etc. However, have you ever thought about making a New Year’s resolution about your marriage? In fact you and your spouse can even make a New Year’s resolution together. Having a partner in the resolution may help it to last longer. Your marriage does not have to be … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions for Adoptive Parents

Hopefully we’ve all had some good family time over the holidays. As we plow through the back-to-school chaos and re-enter our normal lives, here are my ideas for New Year’s Resolutions. Some of them may seem contradictory, but “all good things in moderation”. Why not pencil in one at the start of each month’s calendar page and make sure it happens sometime that month? 1.Talk to your kids about adoption. This doesn’t have to be a sit-down “big talk”. Just make a little comment or reference here and there like, “I wonder if your musical talent came from your birthfather.” … Continue reading

Resolve to Be Frugal in 2007

Is 2007 the year that you will finally get your budget under control? Have you thought about being a little (or a lot) more frugal this next year? Here are a few ideas for frugal New Year’s resolutions, or goals for saving money in 2007: Set Some No-Spend days In a previous article, I explained that no-spend days are the days that you do not make any purchases. Generally, if you can discipline yourself to limiting the amount of times that you go to the store, the less money you will spend overall. Each time you go to the store … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions – Where Do You Rank?

Are you ready with your New Year’s Resolutions? In just three short days, we bid farewell to 2006 and welcome 2007 into our lives. It seems like just yesterday we were facing the Y2K crisis as we prepared to roll the calendars over from 1999 to 2000 and now, we are just three years shy of turning it to 2010. I remember reading an article in 1999 that described the fact that we were living in an age when science fiction was no longer a fairytale, but becoming fact. No, we don’t have bases on the moon, but we are … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About New Year’s Resolutions

Yes, we have 3 weeks until New Year’s Eve and there’s still a lot of shopping, traveling and holiday parties to take care of between now and then. But it’s important to go ahead and think about our New Year’s Resolutions. Every month for the last year, I’ve offered a monthly goal check for you to assess your fitness progress over the previous month and when we think about our New Year’s Resolutions we think of the lofty goals that we may have. For some it could be to stop smoking, for others it could be to lose weight and … Continue reading

Resolution Guidelines

If you’re working on your list of resolutions and plans then here’s some suggestions that designed to help you out for the planning stages. If your resolution involves health, fitness, weight loss or a related topic then here’s some guidelines for you to keep in mind when making your planning lists. Avoid Over-Commitment If you think buying a new piece of equipment or a club membership is going to motivate you into working out because you’ll be spending X amount of dollars, start smaller. Buy a pedometer. Seriously. A pedometer is a twenty-dollar investment and you can track how many … Continue reading

Resolutions — Why? How? What? Where? When?

A resolution is defined as: 1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination. 2. A resolving to do something. 3. A course of action determined or decided on. 4. A formal statement of a decision or expression of opinion put before or adopted by an assembly such as the U.S. Congress. The tradition of making a New Year’s resolution dates back to the Babylonians. While popular common resolutions include losing weight, getting in shape, stopping smoking or perhaps spending more time with family whereas the early Babylonian’s idea of a popular resolution was to return their borrowed farm … Continue reading