Parents, Kids and Nicknames

If you ever want to see the face of horror try using your child’s family nickname in front of his or her classmates. Trust me; the mortified look your child will flash is one that will be seared in your memory forever. How do I know this, you might ask? I was witness to a similar scene last weekend and I still can’t stop thinking about it… and it didn’t even involve my child. Last Saturday I bumped into one of my former colleagues at Macy’s. I was exchanging a birthday gift and she was doing some back-to-school shopping with … Continue reading

Velvet Ears, Golden Paws, Angel Butt

Do you have nicknames for your pet(s)? If so, just one or more than that? In Tabby, the Continuing Saga, I wrote about some of the nicknames I developed almost immediately for my stray girl. (Those have all now been incorporated into her unofficial full name: Lady Tabitha, Tabernathy, Tabberkins Pryor, but she’s also picked up Tabbins, Tab Tab, Little One, and Stinker Princess.) Mr. Meow also has his fair share: Gato Bato, Monkey Paws, Gorilla Arms, Crazy Cat, and the good old standby: Creepy Cat. Then there’s Murphy. He’s got a whole slew of them: Murph Man, Murphy Jones, … Continue reading

The Baby Name Game

Parents to be have the huge task of deciding on a name for their little one. Choosing a name is not as easy as it sounds – in fact – trying to come up with a name for their child whether it’s their first or their fifth can actually lead to a bone of contention between the couple. When families already have children, they often have more than just family and friends piping in to help name the baby – you also have the older siblings. So if you need some suggestions and tips on how to help manage the … Continue reading