Smoking and Other Addictions Exposed

Most of us have met someone who smokes and despite considerable effort, just cannot manage to shake the habit. Perhaps you are one of them. Scientists have known for many years that some people are able to give up nicotine and other potentially addictive substances with relative ease. Others struggle, often giving up for a significant period of time, only to succumb to the call of their favorite poison. Others simply can’t give up at all. Recent research has come up with further interesting evidence about individual differences in brain structure which influence the likelihood of addiction occurring. Scientists have … Continue reading

I Have a Confession to Make

Good morning readers, I have a confession to make. I turn 35 next April and I have been a smoker for nearly 20 years. Today, I am making a concerted effort to stop smoking altogether. I nearly did it when I was pregnant with my daughter, turning a nearly two pack a day habit down to just 4 cigarettes a day that lasted until I was done breast feeding and then somehow, went right back to where it was before. I’ve tried quitting before and the longest I lasted was six weeks with no cigarettes and then one day, all … Continue reading

Fitness: Stop Smoking

More people smoke than might be imagined despite the numbers that are stopping due to cost, convenience and health. Still, I know a number of smokers, though they are ostracized in public – they still smoke in the privacy of their own home. Stopping smoking is far more difficult than most non-smokers acknowledge or can understand. Stopping smoking is different for everyone. I’ve known some who could stop with a patch, a pill or just weaning him or her down until they quit cold turkey. Be Supportive, Not Condemning If you smoke or know someone who smokes, a smoker should … Continue reading