If The Shoe Fits

I would venture to guess that most Americans have donned a pair of Nike shoes at some point in their lives. I completed three marathons wearing Nike running shoes. The particular shoe I wear addresses my needs as a severe over-pronator. But, as I’m sure you are well aware Nike offers dozens of different styles of athletic shoes, and now their latest creation is making headlines. For the first time in the company’s history it has created a shoe specifically for American Indians. Designers say they did so in an effort to promote physical fitness in the population that is … Continue reading

Rapper Proves He Has Heart And… “Sole”

Grammy-winning rapper Eminem known for his not-so family-friendly lyrics may be changing his tune. Not with his style of music, but with his image… and he’s asking for your help. If you like Eminem (or your children do) and you like Nike shoes, then you may seriously consider lending a hand… or a foot… as the case may be. The rapper has collaborated with the famous shoe company to create a limited-edition collection of Air Max sneakers to be auctioned for charity. Nike executives told reporters at a recent news conference that Eminem (whose real name is Marshall Mathers) was … Continue reading

Digitize Your Workout: Nike + iPod

I’ve never been one for physical fitness. I’ve always tried to workout, but workouts usually lose my interest rather quickly. I managed to go to the gym everyday for about three months when I first joined up, but after that my visits became less and less frequent. I purchased Dance Dance Revolution several years ago, and did that religiously for about six moths before I learned all the dance moves and started to get bored. I still use it, but not nearly enough to consider it my one and only “workout”. I need something that makes me feel challenged, but … Continue reading