No Impact Man Colin Beavan

In this Green Blog, Mary Ann and I have made mostly unobtrusive suggestions of changing your everyday life to make it a little greener. Simple things like choosing reusable water bottles over bottled water, turning the lights off, and composting can make a difference. But, Colin Beavan decided to take it to a whole new level. Beavan, a non-fiction writer and blogger, decided that he and his family (including his wife and then 2 year old daughter Isabella) would try to live a zero impact lifestyle for a year. That means no trash except items that could be composted, food … Continue reading

Joint-Friendly Exercise

I fell in a hole this week while I was walking the dogs. We were at a local park, exploring all sorts of new sights and smells… and I just stepped where I shouldn’t have. My ankle turned and I was on my hands and knees in the wet grass and mud before I had a chance to think! At least it was early enough in the day that there was only one other walker out. (My ego survived the fall better than my ankle and knee.) My little slip up was a good reminder to be kind to my … Continue reading