Some Sobering Party Tips

Lady Astor once remarked that she didn’t drink at parties because she wanted to be sure when she was having a good time. This is worth remembering while attending a party, not to mention when called upon to drive home from one. Still, one should enjoy oneself because where we are going from here, I do not believe cocktails are served. The trend today seems towards simpler drinks like wine, beer and bottled waters. You alone know what you should drink, and if you should. The little policeman in your head is sometimes on a break, but he always comes … Continue reading

Entertaining: Lunch with the Girls

This is a great time of year to invite your friends over for a leisurely lunch. The weather is still nice, the kids are in school, and everyone can take a deep breath and relax before it’s time to start concentrating on the holidays. Go all out and make it really special. Make pretty place cards. Pick up some fresh cut flowers. Make sumptuous foods and decadent desserts. Wear something cute and get out of those jeans for a while. Turn on some fun, upbeat music. Serve lunch outdoors or in, but make an afternoon of it. You can even … Continue reading