A Safe Drink: Chemicals in Baby Bottles and Cups

Water is good for you. But when water, formula, milk or juice is stored in a container that leaches chemicals, the nourishing drink that you’ve prepared for your baby turns into something more – a chemical soup that you don’t want anyone to drink, let alone your child. Recently, there has been a lot of concern over a specific chemical, BPA. What are the concerns with chemicals in baby bottles and cups? As plastics are heated in the microwave or the dishwasher, they can release chemicals like Bisphenol A (BPA). This particular chemical mimics the female hormone estrogen, and too … Continue reading

Chemicals and Babies Don’t Mix

I really, really try not to be a neurotic parent. But when it comes to the chemical soup that exists in many of our homes, I draw the line. I vote for good, old-fashioned dirt. And since my family seems to create a lot of it, I think that I’m winning that battle. Seriously, though, I am a little bit afraid of the impacts of many chemicals on my child’s short-term and long-term health. When that child is a baby, with a tiny body mass and a less-developed system, I get even more careful. You want a safe home, you … Continue reading