Blast from the Past (1999)

I really enjoyed the movie “Blast from the Past.” Brendan Fraser plays Adam, a young man whose parents are a little on the odd side. The year is 1962 and they’ve been watching the news reports on the Cuban Missile Crisis on television. They’ve got a bomb shelter all ready to go, and when an airplane crashes in their yard, they think they’re being bombed and head for cover. They close an airlock on the shelter, believing that they have been irradiated, and they plan to stay underground until all the nuclear rays have dissipated. Adam’s mother (Sissy Spacek) was … Continue reading

Make Me a Home – Tamra Norton

“Make Me a Home” is the sequel to Tamra Norton’s smash hit middle-grade novel, “Make Me a Memory.” Our character, Allie, is still living in Edna, Idaho, with her mom, her brother, the new baby, and her grandma while her father is deployed in Iraq. She’s the new kid and really doesn’t like that kind of notoriety. When Ivy moves in, not only is Allie no longer the “new kid,” but she has a new friend as well. Allie thinks things can’t get any better until she comes home from school one day to find her mother crying. Her father … Continue reading