Adding It All Up–How Much Debt Do You Really Have?

Have you sat down and actually added up how much money you owe to creditors? This can be eye opening to people. You may want to leave out your original mortgage, but if you have a home equity line or second mortgage you should include that amount in your total. This would also include what you owe in student loans, and on your cars. It the number manageable. Is there anyway that you could pay this off in a year? Or is the number higher than what you bring home in a year? Adding up your total debt can be … Continue reading

Saving a Million Dollars!

Want to save a million bucks? Maybe you just want to know how long it will take to reach your first cool mil. has a great little tool to help you figure it out. Lets check out some numbers. If you are young, and can start saving now, in thirty eight years you’ll have a million without too much effort. (I know, thirty eight years sounds like a long time, but stats show most of us will live past eighty five years old now). So, pretend you start today, with a zero balance in your account, and deposit $250.00 … Continue reading