Tips for Discouraging Biting While Breastfeeding

There’s no doubt about it. . .if (or should I say when) your baby chomps down on you while you’re nursing it HURTS! Of course your baby isn’t trying to hurt you but his little gums hurt and the breast seems like just the perfect teething toy. Thankfully, there are effective techniques for discouraging biting. Even babies who teeth early can learn from your cues. For a biter try these suggestions: React It is appropriate to yelp, say “Ouch”, very loudly and in other ways communicate that you don’t like being bitten. Many moms seem to think that this is … Continue reading

Nursing Nuisances: Thrush

Out of all the nursing nuisances I have dealt with, thrush has been the most trouble. Thrush, or candida, is basically an overgrowth of yeast in the mouth. We all have a certain amount of yeast in our mouths, intestinal walls, and genital areas. It becomes problematic when it overgrows. In my experience it is important to diagnose and treat thrush early before it spreads to mom. Generally, there is not really a cause for thrush. . .it just happens. However, if baby or mom has recently been on antibiotics, this could allow for the overgrowth of yeast in the … Continue reading