“You’re Not Still Nursing Her, Are You?”

Immediately after church last week a dear older woman walked up to me and said, “You’re not still nursing her, are you?” Her tone was full of accusation and condemnation and her opinion was clear: If I was still putting my fourteen-month-old daughter to breast, I was completely deranged and likely damaging my daughter as well. As a breastfeeding advocate, I should have confidently replied, “Yes, and I’m proud of it because it’s the best thing for my baby.” Instead, I found myself completely defensive. I actually felt as though nursing my daughter at her age might be wrong. I … Continue reading

Weaning: When Illness Interrupts the Process

When my daughter was fourteen months old I reluctantly decided it was time to wean. It was a difficult choice for me because it was something that she still enjoyed and took comfort in, but I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable doing it. I won’t go into all of the psychology behind my reasons for calling in quits, but one thing is for sure: It did not go as planned. Up until she turned fourteen months old, she was nursing about 6 or 7 times during a 24-hour period. I decided to slowly back off of the day-time feedings and try … Continue reading