How to Pick (and Use) the Healthiest Oils

Good fats. Bad fats. How do you know the difference? How do you know which oils are the best for you? Here are some tips to help you pick out the best oils for your health (and for flavorful cooking)! First, the basics: you want to get around twenty percent of your daily calories from fats and oils. Yes, that sounds like a lot. But a deficit of good fats can lower your vitamin E intake, keep your good cholesterol from rising, and send your triglycerides through the roof. And some studies have shown that your body absorbs antioxidants and … Continue reading

Ten MORE Things to do With Essential Oils

1. Make your own potpourri. Gather dried flowers, pinecones, dried leaves, whatever you like! Arrange them in a bowl, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, and stir. You will need to add more oil occasionally to refresh the scent. Try orange and cinnamon for a nice fall scent, or lemon and lavender for spring freshness. 2. Clear kitchen odors easily! If you can boil water, you can fill your home with your favorite scents. Fill a small pot with water and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Heating the water will release the scent to … Continue reading